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Erotico-->Japanese sex toys in the "COLLEGE FOR YOUNG WOMEN" -- 27/05/2011 - 04:36 (CARLOS CUNHA / o poeta sem limites) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

Best of the NET in licentious Brazilian literature is in the pages of the Poet

Japanese sex toys in the "COLLEGE FOR YOUNG WOMEN"

The day marked the return for the holidays, girls college girls, fell on a Monday and it dawned very wet. They brought their families arrived and were soon all in the courtyard of the school because of bad weather and gathered in groups and told the news they had been appointed in the days at home:

- I actually enjoyed these holidays! My parents both pampering that I got sick.

- My dear one I gave up again.

- My was also a marvel. I was only two days at home and the rest of it I spent a nudist vacation at a beautiful beach. You can not imagine what went down!

- And my old then! He had to solve a business in Japan and took me with him. It was a madness that trip, I met a Japanese girl there and she took me where purchases ballads all rolled ...

The girls were delighted to meet again in shambles and they did none of them noticed the absence of Marlon and Vera, who were not there.

- I miss you I felt enormous Vera, Marli said holding his hands tightly and stroking her friend as she looked in her eyes, so they locked themselves in the bathroom. I have so much to tell you.

- Just do not say anything and kiss me, Vera said and pulled her friend, gluing her lips to his.

It was a long, delicious kiss that changed hands as the two glided smoothly through necks and faces, full of affection. They then sat in the cold tile floor, and with his head resting on the shoulder of Marli, who hugged her, Vera said:

- Let`s stay here without saying anything. I feel you and having my hair stroked so for life.

- Neither the heads of you is what I liked there. I met some girls from slanted eyes that gave ten across dirty rolling here at school! I learned some amazing things with regard to pleasure, there girls in Japan.

- Account for us ...

- You had sex with a Japanese!

- With a Japanese right?! Those who have their hair curled and tied, use those kimonos and geisha are called?

- Well, the first day I was there was a bummer. My father came to settle his business and left me alone in the hotel. I turned on the television and did not understand anything in the programs that were running, I thought about walking, but I was afraid to leave. I could not speak a word and had no idea where to go.

- And how did you do?

- I was in the fourth hour and was desperate when I went to the hall, where I sat in a chair and started flipping through a magazine. She had a bunch of gibberish that I did not understand, but there was a lot of time looking at the pictures of manga that she had.

That trip for me was being a hell, and was almost crying when I heard someone talk to me:

- Hi, are you there alone for hours! I can do anything?

I looked and saw it was a very elegant woman who wore a costume drive. A tightly fitting dark skirt to the knees and a white shirt with starched cuffs well. Asked her:

- Are you Brazilian?

- I am not Japanese, but they lived and studied many years in Brazil.I am the manager of the hotel.

- There! You`re the manager.

- Yes, and I hope I`m sorry. I was worried when I saw there the whole time I was alone and looking at his record. It appears that you are staying with their father, is not it?

- It is. He came here on business and brought me along because I was on vacation, but they left me alone in the hotel and how I can not speak even a word in Japanese were becoming desperate. Glad you came.

- Tell you what. I`ll get a book in Portuguese, for you to pass the time, and going out at night to meet with some friends. If you want, and her father leave, I`ll take with me. I`ll make a lot of nice people.

- Really?! Will take me a ride? But I will not slow you down?

- Of course not. I`ll even go out and enjoy the night will be a pleasure to show you some cool places you have here.

- Good ...

- Then I`ll fetch the book and read to you when your father comes home ask him to see if he lets you go. If he leaves promise you an unforgettable night.

The girls who listened to the quiet friendly, very attentive and full of curiosity at that time asked:

- And you went out at night with her?

- It took you where?

- They were friends? She was a lesbian?

- Account ... Account details to us.

- I will tell, but only at the party to leave it quite spicy and full of joy.

- Party?! What party? - Almost all girls asked at once without knowing what she was talking.

- Now! Our party returned to the college. When we left we took a holiday purchases and tonight we can not do another. Fucking a big, much bigger and better than we did in farewell. I`ll tell it to you the details of the trip and show some erotic toys I got from some Japanese girls

Not just in the last of the sisters retired to his chamber one of the girls caught the front of the building, with a chair as they had done last time. Made to make a circle, with all of them sitting naked, only at the center of it was to Christina - the girl who had gone with his father to Japan - which was at the center of it and counting your walking and running the show:

- Her name is Maïuma and was easy to convince dad to let me leave with her that night. She was a very serious person and the old man loved that I had made friends with her, because she was going to be able to rest the obligations the next day while I was amused. I met her in the hotel lobby, at the time we agreed, and she told me:

- Wait for me at the entrance of the hotel I`ll take my car and catch you there. Come into my first apartment I need a shower and change clothes.

When we arrived at the building where she lived until she was the doorman - a Japanese old man who had a round head and a goatee shaved thin and long, sat cross-legged on the door of the building and wore colorful costumes typical of the land - gave a kisshis face smiling and spoke in Japanese. Do not understand what she said but the way he looked at me must have spoken to me and then he went up to her apartment. There she told me:

- I`ll take a shower and while waiting for me to take something. Say what you want me to prepare.

She served me a martini that I ordered and began to speak:

- Has several tapes there. They are in Japanese, but I guarantee you`ll love those. Watch some to pass the time.

I connected the video to watch one of the tapes, I picked at random, and the screen came a beautiful Japanese woman who was sucking another, as he pulled a cord and pull out the tail, one by one, the balls of metal that had trapped him. This time I put my hand in my panties and saw that my "pussy" was all honeydew, when I heard behind me:

- I did not say you`d like? Just came to get some more bath salts.Catch me in that middle drawer and take a bath comes ofuro - soaking tub in all existing homes and apartments in Japan - as well.

As we left hours later, because we were there for ages and sex of such Maïuma almost made me crazy with its affections, she was another person. Had changed the dress she wore a hard mine very short skirt, a blouse transparent clear that molded her beautiful breasts dangling free under it and was full of decorations. Bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings huge extravagant. As we passed the old elder of the ordinance she gave him another kiss - this time with lots of tenderness in his mouth - and we find ourselves with friends who had told me. She took me to a Brazilian bar and go into it as soon as I realized that everyone knew and who was much loved there.

- Maïuma Hi, you`ve been faintly girl!

- Speech dear, ta okay with you?

Playful she exchanged kisses on the faces and hugs with the boys and girls who were in the bar until they reached a table where a girl sat alone and spoke to her, after giving a lengthy kiss on the mouth;

- Harumi Ohaio sam.
- Good night Mrs. Harumi.

- Anatawa okurimasta! Sleep in kirei ritowa tarideska?
- You took! Who is this jewel that is with you?

She told him who I was and how he had known me - I later learned was not getting anything because they were talking about - which also had rolled between us before we meet her. We stayed there a long time talking with the Maïuma translating what I and her friend spoke Japanese. Every time they exchanged kisses that left me all mellow and totally jealous. Hours after the Maïuma told me:

- It`s really late and we better go. Before you get to the hotel we will go back home and let Harumi there.

When we pulled the car door in the building where she lived said:

- I think of something to drink before you go ... Let`s go up there with Harumi.

We climbed to the apartment the three of Maïuma and when she took me to the hotel it was almost morning. I learned every thing that they almost die happy.
At this time Maria do Carmo went to his bed, pulled her down a bag and brought to the center of the wheel.

- Here`s a bunch of toys they gave me a gift. Instead of telling you will help me and we will build a playhouse. We just play what went down there with me in Japan and you learn to use these toys that are a delight.

She opened her bag, pulled out a string of beads, similar to that seen in the video of the Japanese in the apartment and called the two girls. Asked one of them lie down and bared her legs, so that the other stick your head between them and suck and began introducing the beads in her ass. When they were all released, she held the tip of the cord with the tooth and started removing the marbles one by one, slowly. The girl who was four began to put his high groans while tongue more comfortable in her friend`s pussy.
Then he took a belt off the bag with a dildo stuck on it, several exotic models of vibrators and a lot of junk erotic, asked them to help other girls and alternating between them used all the toys, while girls who were at the wheel looked and were filled with lust, kissing, sucking or if masturbated.

Leia o conto em Português

Outros contos da Série de Eróticos Lésbicos

Other tales Series Erotic Lesbians

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