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Erotico-->Gangs of sex in "COLLEGE FOR YOUNG WOMEN" / Unbridled Tale -- 24/05/2011 - 09:40 (CARLOS CUNHA / o poeta sem limites) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

Best of the NET in licentious Brazilian literature is in the pages of the Poet


Cristina`s mother enrolled in college to middle class in boarding schools and the students it could receive family visits, but were only allowed to leave on vacation.
The college dormitory was a huge room, without partitions, where the beds were lined up side by side, and many funds were the toilets. During the night, when lights were off and monitors the students retreated to his room, Christina noticed that several women got up and ran to the bathroom. She had no idea what they were doing there, until one night had to go to the toilet and noticed several whispers and moans in locked reserved. She was curious and did not hold back peeked through the keyhole, where the moans were louder.
What she saw left her terrified and excited too. Marli acknowledged, the prettiest girl in class who had fallen, and that Vera was a freckled blonde coquette nicely. The two beautiful women in their 19 and 20 years were naked, their shirts thrown on the floor and they kissed on the mouth while rubbing their vaginas into one another. At one point Vera began to suck the breasts of Marli, who raised one leg and leaned over the toilet. She then bent down and began licking her vagina.
At this point, no longer could Cristina horny, her panties were all wet.He ran to a vacant reserved heartily and masturbated.
He left the bathroom at the same time that Marli and Vera were also coming out of it too. The latter said "hi" and smiled. Marli looked at her eyes, in a different way, and said nothing.
From this day forward Marli would always talk with Cristina in the cafeteria. He tried to sit in front of her and became close friends.Cristina felt an incredible attraction to her, dreamed of her in his arms. I knew it was intentional when she was studying and her friend came lightly touching her breasts in his face, but was ashamed to take any initiative.
After two months at the boarding school she knew how things worked. The students formed groups of sex they called gang.Transam among themselves, one another, or sometimes all together. They had respect for certain rules as not to introduce anything into the vagina, since almost all were virgins despite having more than 18 years, and not having sex with girls from another gang.When this happened, he gave in petty bickering and discussions.
They used a code: the gang during the day matched with whom and who shag night after the monitors turn off the lights and retire, the girls took off their panties and bra, left under his pillow and waited until a pass in front of girls the bed and touched her feet. This was the signal agreed to go to the bathroom.
Cristina had already taken two other girls sang, they wanted it in his gang, but only had eyes for Marli. With each passing day more added to his attraction to her. I knew she belonged to no gang, because he had noticed that she only went to the bathroom with Vera and she was his only partner.
His dreams began to be realized when one day at recess I was talking with Marli and Vera arrived. Cheerful and outgoing hugged the blonde freckled Marli, from mild to hand in her vagina over her skirt. Christina felt a twinge of jealousy and envy that Vera, to his astonishment, asked her:

- You too?

Marli dropped and hugged her, stroking her vagina and whispering in his ear:

- Hot.

Then he walked away smiling, leaving her with Marli. Christina was all embarrassed, especially when Marli bluntly asked if she wanted to make love with her. Replied stammering so.

- Then wait for me tonight, she said full of tenderness in his voice.

After school, in the shower, he wondered how it would settle with Marli. It was with excitement and dread, because I never had sex with anyone, let alone with a woman. But the will was stronger and she wanted it.
At night, brushed his hair, became a French perfume in the body, which had never used, and lay anxious and excited. Once the monitors turned off the lights removed her panties, put it under my pillow and waited. Marli took and she thought it would not come anymore. It was almost asleep when she felt someone touching my feet. It was her.
He felt an incredible excitement, stood up and followed her groggy.Marli was waiting at the gate reserved. Without saying anything, took her hand, pulled her inside and locked the door. She was shaking. Marli hugged her tightly and kissed her, sticking his tongue in her mouth. She shuddered to feel the heat from the body of her friend. Marli quickly stripped his shirt and helped her take her.Cristina watched the naked body in front of him, was very beautiful.
Marli Cristina strongly embrace again, rubbing her full breasts and hard against hers, which were small. The excitement she felt was incredible. A friend stuck his tongue in his ear and whispered phrases pornographic and exciting, while shaking her buttocks, pressing against her vagina in a tasty rub. Could take no more and enjoyed heartily.
Would have screamed if Marlon had not covered his mouth with a warm kiss. Cristina She did sit on the toilet, took her breasts to her mouth and sucked it willingly, sometimes alternating sucked into one, sometimes another. Cristina felt a huge horny with her nipples between his lips durinhos Marli that caressed her vagina, so wet that a white goo dripped down her legs. Marli massaged the sex of the friend with an amazing ability, and she came again. After four made her supporting hands on the vessel, and grabbed her from behind, she opened her buttocks with his hands, trying to rub her clit in her anus. As I felt the hairs on the vagina of her friend rubbing on your butt, Christina opened up as much as possible and regretted that she did not have a big penis will penetrate. Her friend moaned so loud when she enjoyed was afraid of waking the other girls. After that they gave more and enjoyed a mowing again.
The other day Marlon told to Cristina that she and Vera wanted to form a gang and called again for that night, saying that Vera also went. At night, when she arrived and Marli reserved, Vera was already there waiting to. She was naked, had a beautiful body and full of dots as your face. The hair of her vagina were blond, just like their hair. Mal locked the door, and pulled their shirts, was grabbed by Cristina Vera ahead as Marli hugged him from behind. Vera bent down and began kissing her thighs Cristina and immediately began licking her vagina. It was the first time she felt a tongue on her sex and found it very pleasant to feel it in a circular motion around her clit, while Marli rubbed her ass and fondled her breasts. Heartily enjoyed, smearing the face of Vera with her cum. It was so wonderful that he wanted to reward her friends somehow.
Vera dropped, sat on the floor and pulled Marli for her, looking her vagina. She opened her legs as she could, touching the vulva on her face, that sucked full of desire. I had never imagined it would be so good to suck a vagina, feeling bloated and a big clitoris in his mouth. A friend once enjoyed and another took its place, too eager to be sucked. Sucked up and exchanged many caresses, all enjoying multiple times that night. Was formed more than a gang of girls in school.

Poet without limits

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