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Textos_Religiosos-->As ordens e funções dos Demónios, conforme Agrippa -- 19/12/2021 - 17:55 (Brazílio) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos




Agrippa's classification of demons[edit]

In De occulta philosophia (1509-1510), Cornelius Agrippa proposed several classifications for demons, based on numeric scales, like his whole Cosmology.[8] Francis Barrett, in his book The magus (1801), adopted this classification of demons [9][10].

Scale of Unity

One prince of rebellion, of angels, and darkness:

Scale of binary

Two chief of the devils:

Two things which Christ threatens to the damned:

Scale of ternary

Three furies:

Three infernal judges:

Scale of quaternary

Four Princes of devils in the elements:

Four Princes of spirits, upon the four angles of the world

Despite listed separately, Agrippa mentions that these groups are identical, making the first as the Hebrew equivalent of the names of the latter.[11] The same four demons appear in the Semiphoras and Schemhamforas.[12][13]

Scale of Six

Six authors of all calamities:

  • Acteus
  • Megalesius
  • Ormenus
  • Lycus
  • Nicon
  • Mimon

Scale of novenary

Nine princes ruling over nine orders of devils (with biblical references):[14]

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