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Artigos-->Women -- 07/05/2011 - 18:42 (Paulo Machado da Costa) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Class, I want to talk to you about the modern woman in the society. Long time ago, more precisely in that period of the Books of de Old and New Testament (Bible), the woman was submissive to the man. However, that submission was in the reality, in companion`s sense. I do not want to discuss if it is right or wrong, and yes about the historical fact. Do you understand? Or better, do you agree? Yes or no, class? Marcelo, can you give me one or two examples about it? Okay, thanks Marcelo! Maria Madalena wrote one Gospel that is not in the Holy Writ, for instance.

Nowadays, this reality is very different because the women are disputing and winning of the men in several sections, for instance: Germany, the first minister is Angela Merkel, in Chile, the president or ex-presiden is Michelle Bachelet, in Argentina, the president is Cristina Kichner, in Brazil, is Dilma Roussef, and there are more or less three appointed women for Dilma, in Rio de Janeiro City, the agent Marta Rocha is the chief of civil police etc. I`m sorry, I forgot! In the CCAA Course, the teacher`s name is Elis. Those women work hard with a lot of competence and tenderness. Congratulations!
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