Usina de Letras
Usina de Letras
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Cartas-->ATENDENDO PEDIDO -- 10/10/2004 - 13:33 (Jairo Nunes Bezerra ) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Dear Mary,

Once again I have the pleasure to assist the
its request. I placed in Usina a poetry
in its language. I cannot accept yours now
request of going to London. Problems arrest me
to Brazil. In 2005 I will go even oh. Kisses Jairo

(Jairo Nunes Bezerra)

You only wanted more a poetry!
That translated to real beauty...
It went of the interior that lark,
Exhibiting alvissareira royalty!

I meditated on pretty women!
I thought of the exuberance of the rose...
I went to the distant hills,
But the inspiration was vaporous!

I remembered warm situations!
A lot before the sun to go auspiciously...
And I just had great exaustão!

He/she is my inspiration sentry,
It was near mui, close to the window...
In the strings of my guitar!
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