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Poesias-->THE MAGIC OF POETRY -- 26/01/2003 - 15:06 (Josete Maria Vichineski) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Poetry is an angelic character,

that involves me, caresses me.

It moves me from sadness, with delicacy

and as it goes, returns to me, its energy.

Its word is tender,

it leads me to a charming place.

It involves me, as a fraternal character

and, little by little, it moves away my pain.

Its power is magic.

It says wonderful things to me.

I forget that everything is tragic

and think only of blissful things.

With poetry, I forget melancholy.

I feel well in this celestial place

where agony does not exist,

only immense spiritual peace.
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