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Poesias-->Laughing at black rainbow -- 30/12/2012 - 02:09 (Manoel de Oliveira Santos) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

“Embarrassed now!” it’s what she said

‘N the sweetest sentence that I smile her

At her lips where I’d fall by hollow

on her soft and shattered song

while I listened and flew over away

wondering the way she would sing

on the web I caught and touch her “ping”

tripping trynna tips to take through

“Pulling strings” to better stay close

To go out ‘n fooling around

Laugh high over the black rainbow

Making the wooden scene stage’s noise

Throwing over the difference of our age

Feeding the tangling birds

Running the book of our days

Writing in my refrigerator

Her softest expression that from I heard

Criado por: Manoel de Oliveira Santos
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