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Poesias-->Confession -- 01/03/2011 - 12:30 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

I walked so much

Off to seek new routes

found unthinkable horizons

Spent hours of intense poetry

of endless findings

Everything new

New people

wide open and sane smile

Tried to find myself, in a new world

Take my place, disassemble nasty thoughs

Populate the soul wilth crystal clear freedom

And I was whole quest and meeting

Walk through alleys and avenues

By sand by salt

Walk through healthy waters and ignore evil

I judged to have discovered the consolation, the breath,

in eyes others that whatch me without shame

in teasing attitudes offering me kisses

longing to take care about me with zeal

but all that I know scalling the hours

(reknown for everything I could feel)

is that the real meeting, what I wished most, what I searched most

remains in deep eyes

in a looking I´ve already kept

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