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Poesias-->When we make love -- 16/07/2010 - 12:27 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

When we make love....!!!

When we make love ... love makes us its greatest exponent,

my body stay impregnated of their all substances.

Our hearts, ordering in an out of pace rhythm,

your sweat, pours down my pores for days,

that flame burns myself for his longing ...

Your whispers echo in my universe, excite the

animal that lives inside me ordering for endearment,

the voluptuousness of his desire leaves me

incandescent, iridescent,

a volcano takes our bodies on fire ...

the warmth of your body consumes me,

our sublimation is complete, your smell numb me,

my desire makes me crazy, I travel to gallop...

and that is all that I want to breathe, and all that

I want to delight.

And what to say about your kiss ?

He`s my biggest wish !

After them, my mouth despise the most exotic juice -

our fitness makes our souls whisper, rejecting any other flavor,

despises the finest color.

All wants to know is about you, only wants to own you.

It stuck in my chest, in my body, a hungry

feline, a devouring love.

Like a lynx I stick my claws on her arms, on

her back, twisting your aura ...

Naked, my embracement embracing you, so calm, so undressed,

with your open windows, defileing a thousand flavors

I finally materialize in your heart.


( With her it is this way !)

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