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Frases-->Cross -- 07/04/2010 - 07:55 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Cross !
I see you, with a cross in your breast, it´s always present, and I hope it really protects you. and be happy, whatever happiness you´re looking for be, but you must be avoiding, you must take care, because life goes..., and life will mark up all your rightness, all your mistakes, teatching you the real weight of love, and that it´s not liable to suspicious transactions, it never corrupts, independentilly of country, colour, religion, language, status, education, because it´s universal and clean, love is not a bussiness, even so there´s people that get profit using it as a front look, it´s simply love, but I see that we have to survive, buy our shoes, perfumes, sunglasses, chothes, further than food, pay internet, living at last.... and each one has its own way to do that. .....!
(she so is)
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