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Ensaios-->KAISER CHIEFS, a provável maior banda do mundo em 2007 -- 06/04/2006 - 00:03 (Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

Take me to your LEEDER!

KAISER CHIEFS is the grittier, livelier band amidst the new British crop of revivalists. Strongly influenced by luminars THE JAM and incorporating the Rock N Roll seeds of their hometown Leeds (THE WHO made history with one of the very best - and raunchy - live records ever seen back in 1969), the band is a fervent jigsaw of some of the best music of previous decades.

Vocalist Ricky Wilson sings with the urgency of Paul Weller and the sneer of BUZZCOCKS Howard Devoto; guitarist Andrew White rocks like GANG OF FOUR s Andy Gill on amphetamines; bassist Simon Rix is a menace thru and thru, much like early THE CURE s Mike Dempsey; keyboardist Nick Baines brings back THE STRANGLERS; finally, drummer Nick Hodgson pounds like his life depended on it, trading shoulders with any New Rock skinsman.

This band reached the English charts even before they had a recording label (in 2004, with Oh My God). The single I m in, I Predict a Riot was released simultaneously on the isle and in US in August 21st 2004. The title track was a constant presence in some US alternative stations.

Deservedly. I Predict a Riot is the best single THE JAM forgot to record prior to Weller s soulful infatuation that would engender THE STYLE COUNCIL. It is a bold, mean, bass-lead, one-two-three-four Mod-Punk smash, curvaceous vocals, impeccable la-la-las, fiery riffs. This is nothing new, this is everything made anew. The chorus made pubs and street corners rejoice in unisom! If not perfect, that s due to the violation of the 3-minute-gem formula (here is 4).

The flipside, Sink That Ship, is a funny piece of retro nostalgia. It perfectly recaptulates, encapsulates the 1977 mood/mod. Linear, martial drumming, jangly riffing, ever-expanding vocals and choruses, tempo shifts and the most perfect Ohhh Ohhh Ohhhs I ve ever been introduced to putting aside Doo-Woop of course. FRANZ FERDINAND, hands down. Almost perfect, as much as its A-Side counterpart (this time, 2 minutes).

This is not just one of the very bands of nowadays. It could arguably have competed, more of less, with their forefathers. See ya! Check out their full-lenght debut, 2005 s Entertainment (hum, I ve heard this before).


(* * * * *) I Predict A Riot
(* * * * *) Sink That Ship


Great Music to Play While: Getting ready to go out

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