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Ensaios-->Top 5, primeiro semestre de 2005 -- 27/07/2005 - 22:20 (Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
SilkTempest s Top 5 2005.1
Jul 27  05

'January Wind, February Stars, March of the Black Queen, April Skies, Games for May, June Afternoon - the 5 songs that made my halftime 2005'


Somewhere Only We Know unfolds the garden of wonders that is KEANE s Hopes and Fears. Epic, but never stretching beyond a heart’s width, this lovely ballad displays an embracing dynamics, out of the blue you are captive. Tom Chaplin fodders his perfect pop gem with impressive amounts of taste and control, without losing sight of emotions. He brings the world to dance around the curvaceous melodies of Tim Rice-Oxley’s piano, gradually raising anyone’s temperature by the pendulum of Richard Hughes s drums, by the end you’ll be singing alongside the bridges that melt warmly into choruses. A gorgeous anthem.


No longer a bubblegum Punk band, Green Day still astonishes the world months after the release of Earth-shattering rock opera American Idiot. Billy Joe Armstrong eases his voice on full-loaded melancholy, capturing all the post-9/11 pathos all the way down Tre Cool s humm...COOL drumming, whereas Mike Dirnt just sprinkles bass sketches in the wind. If the outcome doesn t come trembling, it s due to Green Day sharp pop sensibility. Bittersweet greatness.

3 - SHE WILL BE LOVED by Maroon 5

Unambashedly romantic and uncanilly recalling STING s timbre (Adam Levine s fragile delivery and minimalist guitar lines), this band made this reviewer rewrite his book of rules. Nonetheless, my heart is grateful :) A deceptively simple statement on deceptively small things, it is all the more fascinating - like being in love itself. My ears are fully loaded on Jesse Carmichael s keyboards, Mickey Madden s bass and Ryan Dusick s drums.

4 - BLUE LIGHT by Bloc Party

Lilting melodies from these British newcomers. Sounding like quite nothing in more than a decade, this is Post-Punk delicacy played with Post-Rock earnestness. Running on this razor s edge, the supreme harmonies of guitarists Kele Okereke (also responsible for the tenuous vocals) and Russell Lissack, as well as the solid foundations of bassist/second singer Gordon Moakes and drummer Matt Tong. Brooding candy for open-minded ears.

5 - LYLA by Oasis

Bestroding the airwaves like a Colossus, they are back. Standing on a massive rhythm guitar foundation courtesy of Noel Gallagher, this band is no longer afraid of falling short of their brilliant arrogance (do you know what I mean? Standing On The Shoulder of Giants, Heathen Chemistry etc). Liam Gallagher waits for a minute-plus to unleash his typical sneering, left to pure harmonizing before all spaces are filled by a tidal sustained riff borrowed from ROLLING STONES s Jumping Jack Flash. Other obsessions, THE BEATLES and THE WHO, are summarized in drummer Zak Starkey, son of Ringo Star and walking on Keith Moon s shoes. The track is a continuing promise of something to happen, a massive crescendo - opening spaces for second guitarist Gem and solid bassist Andy Bell to shine. Lyla whoever you may be, thank you.
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