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Ensaios-->OS MAIORES "EMPRÉSTIMOS" DO ROCK N ROLL (III) -- 25/01/2004 - 03:43 (Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Where Did They Come From? The greatest borrowings of Rock N Roll (III)
Carlos Frederico - Jan 17 04

The past as it didn t use to be

This time, radical changes operated on classic songs:

7. Wish You Were Here by PINK FLOYD (1975)

This delicate PINK FLOYD elegy for their former-leader-gone-mad Syd Barret was converted by LENNY KRAVITZ into a smooth ballad - one of his very best, Can t Get You Off My Mind (from the album Wish You Were Here).

8. Watch Your Step by BOBBY PARKER (1961)

This underrated soul gem, built around an undeniably fluid guitar riff, was apropriated a million times since its release. The main borrowers were THE BEATLES, for long Soul admirers (remember Twist And Shout?). This very riff was the foundation for two famous driving songs - check out I Feel Fine and, especially, Day Tripper! (from album Blues Classics: 1960-1964)

9. Lady Marmalade by LABELLE (1974)

This swinging soul staple (now famous for the Moulin Rouge soundtrack) comprising LABELLE and Funk myths THE METERS was the blueprint for uncountable numbers since its awake. I just sort out two of its best offprings - HAPPY MONDAYS subversive Kinky Afro (a blantant, yet intriguing thievery act) and GEORGE MICHAEL s reverent Star People (subtler appropriation). (from the album Nightbirds)
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