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Ensaios-->DEEP PURPLE: MACHINE HEAD -- 19/01/2004 - 03:07 (Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
DEEP PURPLE s MACHINE HEAD is one of the cornerstones of 70 s Hard Rock (alongside Black Sabbath s PARANOID and Led Zeppelin s IV ). Containing such rock standarts as HIGHWAY STAR and the mother of all guitar riffs SMOKE ON THE WATER, MACHINE HEAD stands as DEEP PURPLE most popular record and one of the more influential ones.

Many may, by the former lines, infer that MACHINE HEAD perfectly follows the standarts of 70 s Hard Rock - carefree rhythm, shouted vocals, raw production, distorted guitar lines. BUT THAT S NOT THE CASE HERE! MACHINE HEAD is a singular record among 70 s Hard Rock and even within DEEP PURPLE legacy. Let s see why!

First of all, MACHINE HEAD presents one of the slickest production of all Hard Rock, what confers to its tracks a timelessness unlike other records of its generation. An accurate comparison would be with PINK FLOYD s DARK SIDE OF THE MOON. Second, no matter how much power, energy and dynamics the tracks have, everything here is under control, as DEEP PURPLE plays safe, confident and with remarkable restraint. They sounded like they knew what they could and wanted to do. Third, although the record is firmly rooted in traditional, blues-based Hard Rock, musical virtuosity is much more available here than in any BLACK SABBATH or LED ZEPPELIN record. This sole fact made the record a fundamental piece for the rising of 80 s virtuoso blitzkrieg (enough is to say that Yngwie Malmsteen loves this record)! What most resembles 70 s Hard Rock here are the lyrics, although even them bear some originality in SMOKE ON THE WATER (whose first-person narrative was hugely influential well beyond Hard Rock borders).

This said, is no easy task to choose MACHINE HEAD s best track. You can sort by groups: Hard Rock classics (HIGHWAY STAR, SMOKE ON THE WATER, SPACE TRUCKING), Jazzy-Funk incursions (MAYBE I M A LEO), Hard Bluesy jams (LAZY), proto-Melodic Heavy Metal (PICTURES OF HOME) and a little bit of everything (NEVER BEFORE). Let s take a look on the tracks and their highlights and...choice is yours!

HIGHWAY STAR -> the ultimate Hard Rock song. This one resembles a race - every instrument accelerates to its maximum, trying to overtake the others (and they never collide)! Ian Gillan screams his lungs out (naturally gifted, he never sounds forceful or exaggerated). Ritchie Blackmore rips his guitar like no one other than Hendrix. Jon Lord increases the song s pace every 30 seconds. Roger Glover and Ian Paice provide an astonishing background, undeterred in their prowess. Everything is under control and flows admirably. This is a must-have for your CD-enhanced car!

Highlight: everyone is in fine form here but the legendary duel between Jon Lord and Ritchie Blackmore takes the lead! Each sending the other complex phrases and topping them with killer answers! A career-crowning moment for DEEP PURPLE!

MAYBE I M A LEO -> second proof of this record s careful craftsmanship. Here we have a loose, almost groovy rhythm (equal parts Jazz, Blues and Hard Rock) with carefully cultivated instruments spotting here and there and ending in smooth, although embedded, choruses. Nothing sounds out of place, pointless and carefree here! A great track, indeed!

Highlight: the fluid, pulsating bass lines of Roger Glover, as fundamental here for song s pace as everyone s acceleration in HIGHWAY STAR.

PICTURES OF HOME -> the timeless reference for Heavy Metal bands seeking for musical sophistication. This is THE MOST carefully constructed song, every instrument works like in a symphony (differing from HIGHWAY STAR, here they don t compete but cooperate) and there is virtuosity everywhere. Everyone has time and space to breathe. Not surprisingly, Malmsteen covered this track sometime in his career and many of his songs (poorly) try to resemble its magic.

Highlight: the way the instruments perfectly complement each other!

NEVER BEFORE -> Latin-tinged, with funny lyrics, this song may be the less magnificent of the pack. But is easily the most eccletic one with fascinating dynamics. You start and think of a Santana jam, then you have a rapid Hard Rock track, a stellar guitar solo plus chorus, then Hard Rock again. Rollicking drums provide the pace. Good track!

Highlight: The shifts in dynamics.

SMOKE ON THE WATER -> Difficult is to talk about the classics! Starting from the most obvious, one deservedly legendary guitar riff (THE GREATEST EVER?) and lyrics of the most unique. What most people forget: the masterful introduction (when each instrument separately enters the song and adds unforgettable grip and power), superb vocals provided by Ian Gillan (more restrained than ever), technically-proficient excellent guitar solo from Ritchie Blackmore. One of the greatest Rock songs by far and a defining moment in DEEP PURPLE career!

Highlight: What you guess? :) Tah tah ta...Tah tah taah! Tah tah ta...Tataah!

LAZY -> If there is a word for this song, is JAM! And what a masterful one...Truly remarkable what these five guys do here (even Ian Gillan takes harmonica to contribute something to the mix - and what we have is one of the best HARMONICA SOLOS ever seen, very melodic and fluid). When vocals appear, they are no longer necessary (although being very good ones). Noteworthy are also the classical introduction by Jon Lord and the different guitars Ritchie Blackmore uses in his major two final solos (he recorded the sections separately - for the first time in his career). One of the best tracks I have ever heard - maybe THE BEST track here!

Highlight: As in HIGHWAY STAR, everyone shines. But Blackmore, in special, shines like few times during his long-lasting career. This song is a must-have for Blackmore fans!

SPACE TRUCKING -> we accelerate again for MACHINE HEAD s finishing note. This time, keyboard buzzing rules. Space-Hard-Rock, it s the experimental track of the record. Blackmore and the others follow Jon Lord (Ian Gillan sings through a vocoder, in the end vocals perfectly fit the mood of the track). Ian Paice change rules a bit - his top-notch drumming not only follows Jon Lord but constitutes a delight on its own. A great track which became the starting point for endless jamming onstage (in MADE IN JAPAN record SPACE TRUCKING clocked in more than 20 minutes) and, in the end, have became a standart of all Hard Rock. An adequate way to close the Hard Rock masterpiece that MACHINE HEAD is!

Highlight: The Ians! Ian Gillan screams like mad here and it sounds good while he s screaming. And Ian Paice s solo near the end is absolutely flawless! One of the best ever recorded (less in heaviness and more in dynamics, in comparison with other drums monster, John Bonham from LED ZEPPELIN).

In the end, a classic among classic 70 s Hard Rock. Rock in its absolute best, simplicity and sophistication. 7 masterful tracks. Everyone that followed picked up something here, be sure!

And so? Which one is your choice? I pick up every single track here. This is a record for life! And my car would never be A CAR without this amazing CD!
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