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Contos-->MAPA LUCIANA -- 01/09/2005 - 10:28 (Marcelino Rodriguez) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Sagittarius * Ascendant in Cancer, Moon in the Sixth House * Saturn in the Third House * Moon in the Sixth House * Sun in the Seventh House * Venus in the Seventh House

The Data Page


This report is a short edition of the AstroText Portrait. It is meant as a sample and advertisement for the full version of the AstroText Portrait which can be ordered from Astrodienst as a bound report of about 20 - 30 pages. In the short edition, only a few, but nevertheless important aspects of your natal chart are considered.

As you read your short report, or any other astrological report, keep in mind that the energies interpreted here are your birth potentials. However, you may or may not choose to actualize these energies in the manner described. Your age, sex, socio-economic situation, education, environment, level of development, and many other factors contribute to the ways in which you express your natal energies. Remember, the planets do not compel you to do or be anything. They influence you, but you still have the free will to determine your own life.

The report was generated with the following birth data: female, born on 21 January 1982 at 5:30 pm in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Your sun sign is Aquarius. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Cancer, and your Moon is in Sagittarius.

Partner references which may occur in the text are set for a relationship with a man. Explanation

Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Sagittarius

Although your personality may be too quick in expression for your even-paced individuality, this astrological combination is harmonious on the whole. It indicates a person who is outspoken and independent in his views and life style. There is a desire for exploration and a marked appetite for inquiry and knowledge. But your impulsiveness never gets out of hand, because at your core you are able to concentrate and organize experience in a useful way. You have marked literary ability. You are a lover of the beautiful and the ephemeral. People are drawn to you by the sympathy and concern you exude. Because of this, you should achieve popularity and social success.

In love you are dedicated. Your feelings are warm and you find fulfillment in knowing that you are loved and appreciated.

The key to a happy existence lies in utilizing your potential and in gathering and concentrating your strength toward one chosen aim.

Ascendant in Cancer, Moon in the Sixth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Cancer was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler the Moon is located in the sixth house.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiacal belt and its natives are under the rulership of the Moon. Your life will be full of changes and intermittent periods of activity and relaxation. Your vulnerability to external influences makes you subconsciously imitate the manners and ways of those with whom you relate.

In many instances, circumstances will require that you play the role of worldliness and sophistication but under the mask there will exist a very sensitive human being who is easily offended, and also very perceptive of the more subtle influences and impressions, as well as of psychic vibrations.

Cancer gives the tendency to completely retreat when hurt or frightened of a situation. This happens to you often because you tend to interfere in the affairs of others when you are not needed or wanted. Throughout your life, your responses will be emotional rather than rational.

Cancer also gives a tendency for life to be centered in the home and family; your attachment to your private and domestic habits is so strong that without them you could hardly endure. In love matters, you are emotional and gentle.

For the difficult aspects we must warn you against becoming overly preoccupied with trivial details of a psychological nature. Another tendency that you have is to flatter and to criticize carelessly, without regard for the other person s feelings.

Destiny may place you in environments where your natural traits can be best expressed. You will be happier when allowed to be occupied with searching for a person or a thing, though not necessarily in important work.

This position denotes a life in which work is of the utmost importance. An existence that binds or limits you causes you to rebel violently. However, we must warn you against reacting too strongly against natural duties and obligations; it is best to try to use tact and diplomacy rather than violent assertiveness.

This lunar position advises of a certain liability to suffer because of continuous changes in work.

The position of your life ruler in the sixth house will incline you to be a better subordinate than a leader in business. Despite the nature of the circumstances in life which oblige you to conduct activities not altogether harmonious with your inner disposition, you secretly nourish the desire to one day occupy a position of respect. This is not totally impossible. Insist and you will reach the goal.

Saturn in the Third House

Saturn appeared in the third house at the time of your birth. This planet brings an aura of objectivity and contriving to all mental functions; the general attitude is reserved, serious, and lacking in dynamism, warmth and flexibility. You are a thinker and a slow, but determined planner.

The struggle to realize your life plans might be difficult, and you will receive little assistance from persons close to you.

You tend to worry needlessly or give excessive attention to plans which will yield very little in relation to the effort invested. We advise you to plan things carefully and realistically without overdoing it.

Saturn here represents duties that you must comply with and which are of an intellectual nature. It also points to tests of character occurring at critical points of human relationship, which can only be successfully "passed" by developing an altruistic and compassionate nature that will make pardon and forgiveness feasible.

Moon in the Sixth House

The Moon was found in your sixth house at the time of birth. Among other things, this indicates that throughout life your work duties will be varied, multiple, and require contact with many people. Healthwise, this may denote a propensity to suffer through excessive changes and motivations.

Psychologically, this position inclines you to act through subordinate roles rather than those of leadership.

A final psychological trait is a secret desire to become known professionally.

Sun in the Seventh House

The Sun was found in the seventh house at the time of your birth. Among other things, this means that your individuality is required to accomplish certain important developments in connection with associations and marriage. It appears, that you will be married to a rather proud but dignified individual, and much of all the progress that you will make in life will be a derivation of your relationship.

In any instance, you can expect throughout life the origination of lasting attachments and noble friendships.

Venus in the Seventh House

Venus was found in your seventh house at the time of birth. Regarding marriage and other intimate relationships this is one of the best influences existing. You have been promised a happy relationship with a very attractive, lovely, and pleasing person. You have the potential to derive both emotional and financial gain through this connection.

Your individuality is thrust toward the environment and this will lead to happiness as well as a psychological compensation for any disabilities. In your interaction with other human beings, there will be harmonious relationships.

You will achieve balance through sentimental affection, aesthetics, art, and relationships.


AstroText Portrait - Short Edition


for Luciana (female)
born on 21 Jan 1982 local time 05:30 pm
in Rio De Janeiro, BRAS U.T. 20:30
43w06 13, 22s53 sid. time 01:41:05


Planetary positions
planet sign degree house motion
Sun Aquarius 01°29 01 07 direct
Moon Sagittarius 24°22 50 06 direct
Mercury Aquarius 18°27 41 08 direct
Venus Aquarius 00°46 34 07 retrograde
Mars Libra 14°26 20 03 direct
Jupiter Scorpio 08°38 09 04 direct
Saturn Libra 22°10 12 03 direct
Uranus Sagittarius 03°39 25 05 direct
Neptune Sagittarius 25°52 25 06 direct
Pluto Libra 26°54 51 03/4 direct
Pluto is technically near the end of house 3 and is interpreted in house 4.
True Node Cancer 22°28 49 01 direct

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Cancer 13°53 50
2nd House Leo 18°24 41
3rd House Virgo 24°30 44
Imum Coeli Libra 27°13 34
5th House Scorpio 24°50 31
6th House Sagittarius 19°19 15
Descendant Capricorn 13°53 50
8th House Aquarius 18°24 41
9th House Pisces 24°30 44
Medium Coeli Aries 27°13 34
11th House Taurus 24°50 31
12th House Gemini 19°19 15

Major aspects
Sun Conjunction Venus 0°42
Sun Square Jupiter 7°09
Sun Sextile Uranus 2°10
Sun Square Pluto 4°34
Moon Sextile Mercury 5°55
Moon Sextile Saturn 2°13
Moon Conjunction Neptune 1°30
Moon Sextile Pluto 2°32
Mercury Trine Mars 4°01
Mercury Trine Saturn 3°43
Venus Sextile Uranus 2°53
Venus Square Pluto 3°52
Mars Square Ascendant 0°33
Jupiter Trine Ascendant 5°16
Saturn Sextile Neptune 3°42
Saturn Conjunction Pluto 4°45
Neptune Sextile Pluto 1°02
Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).

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