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Cartas-->Yuliyar - This is not love -- 06/03/2010 - 01:43 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Yuliyar - This is not love!

Hello my love, Rimarquesz!!!

I am again glad to see your letter on my e-mail! I waited for it with

the big impatience! And I would like to continue to express those

feelings which I test to you. You know, Rimarquesz, I very much would like

to be with you nearby, to feel warmth of your body, tenderness of your

hands, to catch your stupefying smell, to thaw in your embraces, to

feel taste of your kisses. I had a necessity to fall asleep and wake

up near to you, to caress you and to understand that to you pleasantly

that I do.

My darling, unfortunately, I did not receive from you any songs, but I

have your photos, they very much like me. Certainly I very much would

like to meet you, but I do not know, that it is required to me for

arrival to you to "Cheboksary", what documents as I never left limits of the


«A life one. Also it would be desirable to live it so that it was not

painfully sick for aimlessly lived years». Now I cannot present, how I

could so long to live without you?! And how to live in general without

you? I would like to rejoice together with you when at you all is

good, to long, when something is impossible, to feel the necessary

person in your life. You - the most good, light, kind, that happen

with me lately. No. Not so. Not lately, and in general in my life.

«The life is that happens with us while we plan on the future». I love

you, Rimarquesz!!! And it tells all!

With love, Yuliyar.

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