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Cartas-->Yuliyar - This is not love -- 06/03/2010 - 01:42 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Yuliyar - This is not love!

Hello my love, Rimarquesz!!!

I am very glad to see your letter on the electronic box! Your letters

for me as if a drug, they stupefy my mind and reason! I am happy... It

is happy because you are at me!

My darling, Rimarquesz,(.....!!!!....!!!!)I will not manage to wait so long, I will simply die... I will die of

loneliness, I will die without your love, your caress. My love, I want

will meet you as soon as possible, I think, it will be better, if we

now start to solve problems concerning my arrival to you to "Chebksary".

What do you think on it? And within two days I will necessarily call

to you as I would not like to hear your voice, a voice of my favourite

person! I love you, Rimarquesz!!!

We are familiar not so long ago, and, probably, had not time to learn

yet each other as follows... But it seems to me, that you - my second

half. Probably, my words will seem to you loud, but I speak to you in

all sincerity. I really do not have you nearby. I have got tired of

loneliness, and this loneliness frightens me. I wish to have the

family, to have the child, I wish to love and be favourite.

I love you, and it is very difficult to me to present the future

without you! You have changed my life, you have given to me of forces,

have given hope, and I hope, that we can soon reunite our hearts and

feelings! I love you, Rimarquesz, and I will not get tired to speak to you

about it never!

I with impatience will wait for your letter! I kiss you!

Yours forever, Yuliyar.

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