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Cartas-->Yuliyar - This is not love -- 06/03/2010 - 01:42 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Yuliyar - This is not love!

Hello my love, Rimarquesz!!!

My loved, I very strongly love you. I every day think of you, I every

day dream, how we with you shall live together. You are very necessary

for me, I still never met such fine person, as you.

My darling, I as wish to meet you as soon as possible, I think us the

happy future and as I will try to learn the information of expects

that it is required to me and as I can arrive to you to "Cheboksary". As

soon as I learn about all it I will inform at once you in the letter.

Rimarquesz, you talk in English, simply I very much would like to speak

by with you to phone. It is possible?

My mother call X, and I will necessarily send you its photo, but I

will make it hardly later as it is necessary for me to find the

camera. I do not have tattoos as I think, what not it paints all,

especially the girl. My surname Y.

I wish to feel your body near to the... Every day... Every night...

Every second... Never to recollect that pain which I tested when there

was no in my life you. I wish to kiss you and to caress... The whole

days. You are necessary to me to last section that each eyelash which

has fallen from your eyes on a cheek, belonged to me. I would like to

live eternally, but only with you, and without you one second of my

lived life is necessary to me. In my thoughts there is no empty

seat... When I walk with friends... When I fall asleep... When I sleep

and I wake up... When I work, when I wash in a shower and when I read

the book... Everywhere and always I think only of you... You are an

incurable illness, and I do not want, that from it have found a

medicine... After all I want... I wish to be ill with you...

Eternally!!! I love you, Rimarquesz, and I wish to be only yours for ever!

Your love, Yuliyar.

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