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Cartas-->Yuliyar - This is not love -- 06/03/2010 - 01:42 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Yuliyar - This is not love!

Hello my tender bear cub, Rimarquesz!!!

My darling, forgive for banality, but I cannot live and day without

you and your letters. As it fine to write letters, and to receive

answers to them even better! Simply your letters much mean for me.

My darling, I have been amazed by beauty of places of a city the

"Cheboksary", I very much would like to pass in these places together

with you. I am impressed, I never saw and on happened in such

beautiful places! If fairly I envy you.(.......!!!!!....!!!) I want will meet you as I have to you feelings, and these

feelings are strong. I cannot name you the friend, and it not because

I do not want you so to name that is why that you became for me more

than the friend. Our relations please me, and I am assured, that in

the future we could create a strong and happy family. What do you

think in this occasion? Since tomorrow I will be engaged in

information search, that is that it is required to me and as I can

arrive to you to "Cheboksary" because I would not like to see you the eyes,

I think that our feelings have ripened for serious relations!

Today I talked to mother... She asked me that we are going to do in

the future, whether our relations are serious, whether we are intended

to meet with each other. Certainly, it is possible to understand my

mother, she very strongly to worry for destiny of the unique daughter.

I have told to it, that we are fine, that we love each other, that we

have plans to meet with each other. And I very much would like to meet

you, to see you the eyes at least for an instant, to touch you... But

while it only dreams. I love you, Rimarquesz, and it is very difficult to

me to present the future without you. I have got tired of

loneliness... I wish to love, I wish to be an integral part you, I

wish to be simply your favourite and unique woman on light. Since we

have got acquainted with each other, my life became differently, is

simple in it there was a sense, there was a hope, and it is all

thanking only to you, Rimarquesz! You know, my head is visited constantly

by thoughts to get the child... I want it very much, I wish to love

it, to look after, bring up, I wish to give it all tenderness and

caress. Also I hope, that you will be not not confused with it, but I

would like, that this child was from you! My darling, you wish to have

the child in the future? It is very important to me to know about it.

Well everything, my time has come to an end, unfortunately it is time

to me to finish. I will wait from you for news!

Yours Yuliyar.

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