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Cartas-->Yuliyar - This is not love -- 05/03/2010 - 13:11 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Yuliyar - This is not love !

Hello my gentle, Rimarquesz!

At last I have received the long-awaited letter from you. My thoughts

do not cease to be in my head. You, and only YOU could allow to feel

to me tenderness of dialogue. It seems to me, that our dialogue to

become is more than simple correspondence.

Further we succeed to inform more serious which I consider Relations

between us if there is a reason for this purpose or not. I am more Try

to pull to the reasons, instead I only express this fact. For this

reason for me it is important, that will wait for us in the future

When the romantic coquette of the first meeting leaves. I should take

a Steady calculation of the decision if we wish to remain together. If

we do not wish To remain always then how long it will be? This

decision The essential. It will be accompanied by actually

irreversible changes in Your life. I will not list

all connected problems With it. You know them directly. I should like

to do such The decision purposely, but not under an impulse of

feelings to be Cleared by the first sharp sensations each other.

Rimarquez, one more thing You should understand, that I expect more in our

relations Than only romantic night! The floor is not important for me

when it is told About hope and chance to meet and feel real love. It

is first time when I feel reciprocity in which I see the core

Distinction from my previous love which has remained without the

answer once or that the teenager was The enamoured. Certainly, it is

experiment for both of us, and it The beginning, is faster attempt of

the beginning of a new life have got rid of structures From a stock.

There is something more in our relations, and it Love. And why we This

experiment before other partners, even the reaching could not try Such

chance. You see that only you very important and expensive to me. I

Miss and admire with you infinitely. I imagine only you as the person,

I can Live other part of my life with... Enter in full of dreams that

you feel As. Allow it to be only dreams, but they inspire. You will

see. Also remember I always with you thinking of you and anxiety on

you. I miss on you.

Yours Yuliyar!


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