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Cartas-->Yuliyar - This is not love -- 05/03/2010 - 13:08 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Yuliyar - This is not love!

Hi mine dear!

Many thanks for your letter, I was very happy to receive it as

usually, Because your letters always place me in good mood and force

me To smile:) I think much of you, and I like to read from you. I

become dependent to your letters. I have no day when I do not think of

you. I hope you think of me too. I want that you not did not leave me.

I wish to communicate with you always. I do not want that you thought

that I crazy. But. ? it so..............!!!


These are old traditions. I know, that the modern world differs

strongly from a country town. But it would be interesting to me to see

other "world", others culture and other people. But study I could them

only on fiction. Thanks to books I represented the different

countries, people which there live and so on. As I have dream to be

closer to you. To like me we generale ideas. I admit that to me easily

to communicate with you. You unique who is pleasant in dialogue for

me. As to me the special person who is going to love and care of me

would be desirable to find the true love, and I will make the same for

it. I will give it all mine Tenderness, care and love.

And I seem to me my dear Rimarquesz it have found in your person!!! I

hope I to you as is not indifferent. As I would like to know my dear

Rimarquesz what your dream, what you will make for the favourite person

and what you from it wait in the future? Please, tell to me. It will

be interesting to me the nobility.

Yours Yuliyar!


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