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Cartas-->Yuliyar - This is not love -- 05/03/2010 - 13:03 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Yuliyar - This is not love!

Hello my lovely friend Rimarquesz!!!

I so am happy, I cannot believe that occurs actually. Each your letter

brings to me the sea of positive emotions! It forces me to feel very

good, and you know, I receive this feeling each time when I open the

box and I find the letter from you. As with each your message I feel

your interest and the warm relation to me that can please me! From

each our letter we learn about each other more and more. I so am glad.

So big to know, That there is a person in this world which thinks of

you and to worry about you, with what you can speak about something.

My dear Rimarquesz, I would like to ask a question to you. It is very

interesting and important for me the nobility. You correspond to other

women? As to me, Rimarquesz, I would like to tell, that I do not want

any misunderstanding In our relations so I will be fair with you and

to speak to you that is not present, There are no such men who would

correspond to me. Only in your letters I feel serious intentions to me

and our relations. I love it much. I like to read your letters very

much, you always answer all my questions in details, thus I can have

about your wider idea. As also I want, that also you could estimate

me. I want serious relations With the person who would love me. Which

would see in me not only the woman, but also and second half. Which

such, that I would love me. I will love second half, and I will make

everything, that it was together good us.

Unfortunately my time I has ended, hope in the following letter to a

smog to answer all your questions. With impatience I look forward to

hearing from you!!!

With the best regards and warm embraces, Yuliyar.


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