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Cartas-->Yuliyar - This is not love -- 05/03/2010 - 12:59 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Yuliyar - This is not love!

Hello my prince, Rimarquesz!!!

I am very glad, that you do not forget about me, write me letters.

After all each your letter is a piece of your life, and each your word

in the letter is a part of your life. I have such feeling as though we

are familiar many years!

I would like to talk to you about the feelings... My darling, Rimarquesz,

you the unique person in the world to which would like to give me

gentle words every day. Now you are far, but simultaneously very close

and native. I all time think only of you, I miss, I wish you to see

the eyes, to touch you. And I am confident, that you too most feel to

me. With you I feel the happiest! Thanks that you are, that you have

presented to me the friendship, the feelings, only near to you I have

really understood, that this happiness when you love when you are

necessary to someone. In spite of the fact that we the distant friend

from the friend, I do not cease to think of you.

I very much would like to fall asleep in your hands to wake up from

your warm breath. To sit, having drawn in under themselves feet and to

look, how you prepare. To look a film, having put a chin to you at a

breast. To take your an arm, leaving on street. To fall asleep, having

put a head to you on knees and feeling as you tips of fingers drive to

me on a back. To go with you along the street, a hand in a hand,

sometimes compressing fingers that you to me have warmed them... Yes,

I understand, while it only dreams, but I would like, that it is all

became for both of us the validity. And it depends only on us, as well

as our future. My Sun,__, I wish to be with you nearby!

Unfortunately, my time in the cafe Internet has come to an end, and I

should stop to write this letter.

Every minute my thoughts are filled by you!

With love, Yuliyar.

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