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Cartas-->Your Absence -- 07/01/2010 - 13:00 (Ricardo Marques) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

I shall leave, however part of my heart shall remain here, and very close to you.

I always shall notice your presence, every time I look upon Buzios´ blue sea, to its brazzing sun, white and fine sands, and mainly when that clear and icy water from a calm and invinting sea slip through my body warm of loneliness.

In this vacations part of you shall follow me, and I shall be able to hear your smile: every time I hear a child playing, a gull soaring, or a dancing hummingbird..., I shall see that there´s a little from you.

And when loneliness grow up, I whisle a joyfull song that talks about seedbed, warm, fellowship, friendship and freedom, and the loneliness shall vanish completely...!!!



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