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Artigos-->Letter to the USA -- 08/07/2002 - 12:39 (Richard Price) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
America is a country full of people that think only of themselves and sod the world. Their so called president does not care about the environment. He wants to increase the levels of pollution and therefore global warming; and this from a government that is weak. Their gun laws are a joke, they still think they live in the old wild west. They call themselves the untited states of America. That s funny because every state has its own laws like no smoking anywhere in public, ligth up a fag and get arrested, yet pull out a gun and no one cares. Also in the states as long as you are rich, you can get away with most things; if you are poor, black, gay or latino, forget it, specially if you live in the bible belt which is full of religious freaks that stock pile guns and when I say guns that’s a joke.

They have bigger guns and rocket launchers, better than their police and the army. It’s about time they put their own house in order and keep out of other people s. They should stand well back and look at themselves; a country with so much mistakes and a president that was not elected fairly in a state controlled by his own party and where people were so intimidated they would not vote.

President Bush has pulled out of the Kyoto agreement to cut the levels of pollution because he says it will cost his country too much money, and this from the richest country in the world.

When all he is really worried about is how his state will suffer because it produces the most oil in America and it would hurt his pocket too; he does not give a dam about the environment but there again he does not care about anything except himself.

The gun laws in America are so weak it’s about time the government stood up to the gun lobby and impose tougher laws for guns. I know that in their constitution they have the right to bear arms which is fine, but they need to make clear what gun is considered reasonable to use for defending themselves. And to have better control of who has them; people do not need to have large guns and rockets or tanks which some have. If the government cannot control its people then it is weak.

Different laws in each state do not make sense, how can they call them United States? To be united it must be in everything: laws and equality across the country, people must be treated the same regardless of their colour, religion, language and sexual orientation, poor or rich.

The death penalty in the states that have it should be dropped, because let’s face, it has not stopped the rise in crime in these states. All it does is make the criminal more determined not to get court, so if they have shot someone, then they will keep doing that to try and get away with it.

©Richard Price


* UK Brazil Magazine, London, May/2001

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