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Poesias-->A Casual Encounter -- 29/12/2006 - 04:49 (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/Alcir J.T. de Souza) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
A Casual Encounter

A Glance was all

To create in my mind

The visions of dancing mermaids

The Valhalla and its grandeur

The painting with in the northern lights.

A sent of woman

Dancing in the air

Brought back in my heart

A search of a life time

For the deep knowledge of the sea

That perpetuated in a pair of eyes,

Calling me for the encounter

Of lives, that grown distant

And in a stoke ok luck

Found each other.

In the profane embrace

The exchange of doubts

The fear of the obvious consequences

Appear so intense,

So vivid

That almost ended

What hadn’t begun

Without a chance

Without a opportunity .

It have to have a chance

To flourish

To be

To exist.

And in a kiss

Was the pain and fear gone

Bodies were close to life

Desires flourish

And command

And dominated

Frenzy of anxiety

And singular mutual anticipation

For the flow of life

That come within both.

A feeling of satisfaction

Due to courage

Pertinent to the search

To a life of freedom,

To the acceptance

That we deserve

At list to try

Find happiness and joy

In the pursuit of love.

Warm hands touching loneliness

Making a distance closer

Generating waves of expectations

In oceans of life and hope

Disrupting the old fears

Planting the seeds of strength

In the fertile soil of souls

Under the midnight sun

Watered by the fjords

Blessed with a crop

Of respect and pleasure

Of singular love

Born from a casual encounter.

Happy Birthday


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