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Artigos-->Another Lesson ! -- 14/08/2007 - 20:45 (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/Alcir J.T. de Souza) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Another Lesson !

Once more one the most corrupted country’s in the world and yet the number one in punishment for caught crooks offers to Brasil another very useful suggestion for dealing with people that do not deserve to be living among other people even if these entire society are not much better then the derelict in question; I am referring to the Chinese manager of a toy industry in China (off course) that hanged himself (probably to save his family the price of a bullet) due to his company had recently their toys recalled in the USA for the use of lead paint in the manufacturing of their products.

I must remember you all that toys are made for children, kids, young ones, tattlers’, new born, to do what they suppose to do with toys:

Play ….. Be children, learn, entertain themselves, prepare for adulthood . Not be poison with heavy metals so some cock sucker manager, CEO or stock holders increase their profit by reducing the cost of manufacturing that product.

So after the recall the individual in question decided that was better if he hanged himself and spare his loved ones of the embarrassments of a public trial the following execution and the famous bullet bill to the loved ones; I do personally praise him for the withy decision due to the fact the rope was already there so was the chair the beam and he was screwed any way; so he did it.

Now let’s turn our attention to Brazil and its entrepreneurs’, managers, chair holders and all that economic, industrial and services scum that always increase tier already inflated profits with among other schemes cutting costs. I could go for pages and pages and pages of cases within this direction; cause the bordello it is very creative when the subject is money: we must take advantage always ? Right the infamous “Gersons Law”.

Instead I will attain my self to one emblematic and I know for a fact forgotten case that would be hilarious if hadn’t killed at least 22 people. I am referring to the Enila laboratory, it’s wonderful contrast medicine the one and only CELOBAR and lets not forget the master of cost cutting Mr. Márcio D’Icarahy; that brilliant economist that substituted Barium sulfate more expensive but unfortunately proper for human consume for Barium carbonate with has a mere technical problem it is improper for the use in rats due to the fact that kill’s them as what it is : a poison for rats and other animals that ingested it unknowingly .

I have no idea about what ever happened with Mr SOB D’Icarahy ; but two things are for sure he did not hang himself and he fail for bankruptcy under the protection of brasilian law, with a little help from his fellow friends some cash to those friends and disappeared in the sun set living behind him a trail of dead body’s crying family members and a legion of unpaid employees and suppliers including the ones that sold to him the rat poison used to kill people so he could save a buck or two.

Among many other reasons this is a classic example of why I despise Brasil it’s institutions representatives elite and it’s people; not only for the corruption and the jeitinho brasileiro or by the shameless cowards that even when affronted in the most vial way, they do absolutely nothing about it ; but the thing the nauseated me above it all it the lack of memory and the passive way that allows one case succeeded the previous one until they all fell into the oblivion and disappears out of the public memory; perhaps;

here goes my suggestion to the people of the whore house :

Instead of expecting the impossible with would be all of the crooks that got caught do themselves in; why not all the brasilian population wont do themselves in befor they get killed by the next event that come into somebody’s mind to make some extra cash ?

Here lies my suggestion to all of the stupid people that do not fell ashamed of being always the happy victim or thank their good for not have happened with them.

Do not mind if you wait long enough it will.

Alcir de Souza
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