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Poesias-->Shine and perfection -- 07/04/2002 - 14:10 (Luiz Roberto dos Santos Vieira) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
The wind comes

the wind, comes

come from anywhere

Do you want to tell something?

Really, I stay here

on... your side

for every day, all the time

now the wind comes

ohhhhh comes

come from anywhere

The hour is coming for us

but if you think, I ll leave you

you are so wrong

I ll stay on your side

For all the days in my life

I ll stay here

on your side

because you are here, on me.

see! it s the wind

it s coming

with time, for any lifes

for you and me

to change the things

and put then right

The shine of your eyes

when you look at me

out of the corner of one s eye

it s more efficient than hypnotism.

And the perfection of your face

and the love I feel for you,

You make me travel to another world

I don t have way, I don t have


The wind comes

but the wind, comes

come from anywhere

(for you and me)

Now I understand,

And I ll say how much I like you

all I fell.

With silence and romance

when our eyes stare deeper
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