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Poesias-->Like a Real Love -- 05/03/2002 - 01:43 (Handerson de Souza Fernandes) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
I don’t know why, but I think about you all time

Look myself and see nobody

In the mirror, there is your face

Every place I look, everywhere I go, you’re always with me

My mind can’t think anymore, the heart is working for you

Only for you, your sweet smile makes me smile, too.

You don’t know but you’re here, all day

And I’m alone every time, looking around to see you

But nobody’s here yet, and I think all time

When will I have you again?

Why my love is not your love?

You’re driving me crazy

Your mouth kisses mine and I’m happy

I don’t know where I’m going, but I will just for you

And I will never forget you, my real love

This starvation no food can stop

It looks like a child, no ideas and no way

Only a light in the end of this hurt heart

Can see everything but understand nothing

The sense isn’t here anymore.

It’s flying with you and crying, too.

The world is so small and this love is growing up

So fast as a real love.

You don’t know but I can’t stop,

See the trust, listen your heart

You love me, too and don’t need to hide,

Only say that we’ll be together forever.

You will.

On my heart!

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