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Poesias-->* I miss you...* -- 22/12/2001 - 16:24 (YOSHIE FURUKAWA) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
I´ve been looking for you

wondering how much it´s important

to fill this void in my soul

there´s a place in my heart

where you are, ´cause it was promised

Even though I might never meet you

I miss you........

I wish these words became true

I wish these could be

like flowers in the spring

spreading and blooming

or like the stars

much more beyond our thoughts

where are you?

In my poems?

In the landscapes I love so much...?

When I see butterflies smelling

the perfume of the plants

when I feel the touch of a song?

I wonder, I wander...

I cheer it...

Even though I might never meet you

I´m sure.....

This will last as long as I live

Because I was born in love...


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