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Poesias-->Opening the doors and the windows for the new year -- 31/12/2010 - 13:50 (Claudete Sulzbacher) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Opening the doors and the windows for the arrival of a new year

It is a good sensation to say goodbye and welcome by the same time.

We are now in this magic moment of the year.

One year goes, and the other is arriving.

It will not arrive for everybody

because some were left behind.

But it will arrive for most of us.

It is a nice exercise

to be able to accept one more year as a present,

and do our best with this present,

living it the best way we can.

This has to be done and renewed every day,

in every sunrise,

without forgetting to thank for it

in every sunset.

Let`s toast for the miracle of life, friendship, all the simple things, all the great challenges!

Let`s celebrate the past and the future

wishing a new year much better than this one!

Let`s hope that we will know how to be better in the new year!

But what does it mean to be better?

This is something each of us will have to find out,

preferably before the New Year.

Claudete Sulzbacher

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