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Poesias-->LET US GO TOGETHER, FELLOW... -- 02/05/2005 - 12:35 (débora cristina denadai) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

Let us go together, fellow,

you and I,

and walk through all those alleys of time

But let us not be apart

besides we are still part of the same life.

Let us not be apart

and let us not became only a small part

of that we once became in all those nights.

Let us go together,fellow,

without falling apart

and letting our souls go

to places we don t want them to know.

Let us go together, fellow,

but let us never forget

we are this one

but we still must remember to be two,

and still be me and you.

Let us go together, fellow,

still being true.

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