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Infanto_Juvenil-->FIRST LOVE -- 29/07/2001 - 12:44 (Josete Maria Vichineski) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
It is tender. Will it be eternal?
The answer is not found in my notebook.
I just know that it wraps my heart
in a soft emotion.

After I found it,
my days shone as the star king.
The life became more luminous,
because now I know like it is wonderful.

With it, the world has more color.
I feel well, be where it goes.
In my lips, the smile is contant,
because I think about you to each instant.

It is special. Will it be immortal?
I only know that it is an unique feeling
that it beats in a sweet compass my heart.
That is wonderful the sensation.

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