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Ensaios-->OS MAIORES "EMPRÉSTIMOS" DO ROCK N ROLL (I) -- 25/01/2004 - 03:46 (Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Where Did They Come From? The greatest borrowings of Rock N Roll
Carlos Frederico - Jan 11 04

Your favorite songs started here

Many Rock N Roll household names took their inspiration from other artists from remote eras (or, worse, contemporaries). That s what this series of reviews is about. No, I m not intending to call them pure copycats - after all, whole genres as Blues and Jazz were propelled by practices much closer to plagiarism than any other thing. The whole thing is simply to notice inspiration only rarely comes from out of nowhere!

1. Taurus by SPIRIT (1969)

SPIRIT, an LA-based band responsible for an apt fusion of Folk, Hard Rock and Progressive Rock in the late 60 s. LED ZEPPELIN opened for them during their debut US tour (1969). It is said Jimmy Page employed their masterstroke Taurus as the foundation for Stairway To Heaven. Check for yourself! (from the album Spirit)

2. Bombay Calling by IT S A BEAUTIFUL DAY (1969)

San Francisco-hippie band (oh really? :) whose greatest admirers were British Hard Rockers DEEP PURPLE. It is said this latter s bandmembers were listening to Bombay Calling after their first gig, when they decided to center forces in the Hard Rock field (before, DEEP PURPLE had been a Progressive outfit). And Child In Time was born! Check out the intros (from the album It s A Beautiful Day).

3. Eighties by KILLING JOKE (1985)

Industrial pioneers KILLING JOKE were one of the most influential of all alternative bands of the 80s. Among their greatest fans, Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl (check out who s the last JOKE record s drummer). When NIRVANA released groundbreaking Nevermind, with Come As You Are as one of the highlights, KILLING JOKE thought of sueing. Cobain convinced them not to do it, when he confessed the borrowing as well as his sincere love for JOKE. So, being a fan bring you stuff no? (from the album Night Time)
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