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Cartas-->To: The American Airlines pilot -- 15/01/2004 - 17:44 (Érica) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Non-Dear Mr. Hersch, Pilot of the American Airlines:

Your gesture with the finger tells a lot about your lack of sensitivity, manners, and intelligence.

In order to become a pilot at your airline, you may have done all of your physical examinations and tests with the little clocks and watches in the huge panel of your huge airplane. But your gesture at the Federal Police line in the GRUA Airport of Sao Paulo shows that you don t know the fundamental item in international relations: respect.

Your joke cost your company a ticket worthy of less than 10 thousand bucks - it is merely a tip, when comparing with the millions accumulated in their safe deposits. It is nothing for the amount they take away from Brazilian travelers. However, money is money - and it would be a good idea that your salary gets a cut on that amount. So you might - hopefully and somehow - grasp the unhappy significance of your unfortunate gesture.

You offended us, Brazilians, and insulted the basis of international relationship. Furthermore, it is possible that your so ungracious gesture may justify the bitter feelings people around the world hold against America.

Which is a pity, because fortunately not all Americans are like you. Only the pigs.


Erica Eye

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