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Cartas-->Dream.....* -- 09/11/2003 - 12:25 (YOSHIE FURUKAWA) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
There must be a place where no pain hurts so much or void is just a word to imagine something we never knew.
Well, at least my imagination allows me to go there like when I felt this special happiness everytime the blue sky comes to give me hope to live and live...
Father, I m sorry for not being so strong now and for asking you for no sorrows. I m a little tired.
Never found myself in such situation. Always fought against fear and pain, but now, I need to cry at least. And know, afterwards you ll give me new directions or reasons to figure it out.
I came here again, because only you understands me what s going on, and sometimes life is so complexed to me.
One day somebody said - "you re so intelligent, have this gifts, this and that..." - and I thought - " so what... it doesn t work now ..."
Wish I didn t have to use my brain to find happiness. Wish I could feel it... just that, without no reasons, like a child for playing and living.
I did it so many times...
and I ll wait again, because I still believe in you...

nov9th,2003 - 12:30pm
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