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Artigos-->Criminals ! -- 12/09/2007 - 10:35 (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/Alcir J.T. de Souza) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Criminals !

Brasil is a country were they thrive and rule, in every aspect and in each corner of the so called brasilian society; wherever you go or look lies the presence and the upper hand of those individuals; from the lawmakers to the enforcers to the armed forces to the elite to the opinion makers to the entertainment industry and in the herd in general there are always their stinky presence.

The politicians are a excrescency on themselves: with their shady deals and their surreptitious ways they set the example of absolute absence of ethics and moral values the do north the rest of the country; the president of the congress is a filthy cynical corrupt that supported his bastard daughter with a prostitute transvestite as a journalist with money from a lobbyist that later with access of excellent governmental contracts approved by this same congress president makes millions overcharging in the end all tax payers for the carnal pleasures and indiscretions of the senator and his slut that now after became famous for its infamous act will be seeing for all that pay naked in a mans magazine( the idiots pay twice for a hooker that someone else fucked). The Judiciary starting with the supreme court all the way down to the municipal ones, is a factory of manufacturing sentences: if you pay you win ! Well known criminals of all sorts have their freedom purchased from corrupted magistrates and maintaining their wicked ways protected by those scoundrels with a tainted cape of filth and in justice. The militaries are still in the dreamland of their dictatorship, their sick torturers were never punished, their political civilian vassals and their masters are continuously ruling the country(sick) and they still describe themselves as patriots and always ready to intervene with more murderous actions whenever they see fit and when their strength is contested. If ever that happened witch I doubt very much that can happened in a country of cowards . The police is corrupted from the bone and are capable of it all in terms of ruthlessness and subservience to all who pay and even as ridiculous as it sounds of movie distribution piracy in a film about themselves; scum of the lowest caliber . The so called opinion makers are at sold and as prostitutes; for sale. The artists are the greatest in the world : In their own minds. Vassals and concubines of the powerful and rich, blowers of who paid more a real filthy class act of their own; and also the great majority without talent for the real arts .

Now the people, that ample majority of citizens of nothingness, the illiterate, obtuse, prejudice, stupid, morally null, majority that drag themselves in between a drink and a crime or a treason and lies about it, in moments a great group of individuals that in seconds can transform themselves in thugs and murderous animals, servants of drug dealers and of everybody that can give them some advantage, some crumbs, some spare change, some attention or publicity dos not mater at what cost.

In resume, the social group that was formed in the territory called Brasil is in a last analyses a true failure as society or a bunch of criminals.

Alcir de Souza
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