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Artigos-->A Lesson From China ! -- 23/07/2007 - 17:51 (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/Alcir J.T. de Souza) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
A Lesson From China !

Brazil is a country (HA.HA) that prides it self of it’s ability of kneel and pray for every other country and their costumes and uses, this positions of submission are especially adopted by the Brazilian women’s and the shameless pederasts of the male gender that compose our busyness, military and political communities, these very adaptable and affordable members of the elite “brasileira”, are well known trough out the world due to their very open (sometimes very widely open) views about the rest of the world and of how much they despise the brasilian popular life stiles and because of this are always ready to permit that those foreigner ways make their home within the national territory bringing with them all of their traditions and life long ways.

Many nationalities during the times came to the territory and raise their societies and communities in the land but keep their ways from the old countries, and with them good and honest individuals also came the ones that prime for their lack of character and honesty that was not accepted by their fellow countryman but became very much liked by the locals and nationals; there were several infamous foreigners that become part of the society as influent and very well to do benefactors and respected members of the commercial and economical groups; I can refer to the criminals and deterred, that colonized Brazil, to the very welty man of the new republic like Percival Farquhar, who worked with the emperor Pedro II to bankrupt the great Brazilian entrepreneur Irineu Evangelista de Souza The Baron and then Viscount of Mauà all due to the fact that the Baron was a deterrent to the plans of the American government of imposing a economical submission to the Brazilians; also in the same century the arrival of the Italian colony that come to this place in order due to the emperors whim to “Whitened” the Brazilian and with them come the MAFIA and the beginnings of the organized crime.

The time passed and new scum come to these shores and lately the new addition because of the opening to their economy and the dumping of cheap and slave driven useless products : the Chinese and with them the Triad or Chinese Mafia; one of their leaders a fellow name Lao Kin Chong in now in a privileged arrest for contraband and money laundering for the Mafia, he as every rich man in Brazil that is caught enjoy many privileges that the majority of the free population does not even dream of having during their lifetime .

Now coming from this point of view, I here give for free to the Brazilian government a suggestion that follows the Chinese teachings and it is based in their 3000 years civilization, especially with in the last 50 years with the peoples revolution of the “Comrade Mao” and their last example of how to deal with criminals that act with the public money and the serious and murderous consequences of their acts and the swift punishment that immediately follows and I now describe :

BEIJING - China’s former top drug regulator was sentenced to death Tuesday for taking bribes to approve untested medicines, as the country’s main quality control agency announced its first recall system targeting unsafe food products.

The developments are among the most dramatic steps Beijing has publicly taken to address domestic and international alarm over shoddy and unsafe Chinese goods — from pet-food ingredients and toothpaste mixed with industrial chemicals to tainted antibiotics.

The Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court convicted Zheng Xiaoyu for taking bribes in cash and gifts worth more than $832,000 when he was director of the State Food and Drug Administration, the official Xinhua News Agency said. The court then issued the death penalty, the report said and the cost of the bullet must be paid by his family.

I take this case as example due to de innumerous similar cases that have and continue to happened in Brazil not only with in the Health but in all the areas of the public administration, every single one tainted with the filth of corruption and the greed from the ones that occupied a specific position at the moment of the deal whatever one that evolved taxpayers money and the private sector as provider of the needed goods; from medicine to asphalt, from constructions to technological equipment, from nuclear materials to toilet paper everything is negotiated overpriced in order to accommodate the percentages for the scoundrels involved in the negotiations.

In a very recent episode that involved the actual health secretary of Rio de Janeiro and his antecessor , a total of R$ 22.000.000,00 in expired medications was found hidden in a warehouse; medications that were purchased without public auction due to the emergency character that was alleged. If that disparity happened in China the family of the involved would had to pay for a truck full of ammunition to be used in the thieves involved in this episode instead as it is in Brazil were the most prepared and educated people and consequently the ones that really know the damaging consequences of their acts are the ones that have accesses of all the easiness and the benefits and liniences from the law .

So if the Brazilian government is not as I suppose a bunch of eunuchs like the ones that dwell in the “Forbidden City“ they could bring to popular vote a proposition that would institute a death penalty to public managers caught playing with public money in personal benefit and the cost of the public execution would be presented to their families in order to attempt to moralize the society. But as I know Brazil, the condemned would bribe the person in charge of the fatal shot to use blanks and ketchup in order to fake the death and foul the Brazilian people one more time.

Nothing will ever change in the bordello called Brazil

Alcir de Souza
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