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Artigos-->[Química Net] Digest Number 159 -- 28/07/2002 - 22:06 (Cristiana de Barcellos Passinato) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
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There are 6 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: [Química Net] Digest Number 150

From: "cusca castilho"

2. Obrigada Bia

From: "crispassinato"

3. ENC: [dreamlista] * Truque do dia *

From: "Crispassinato"

4. ENC: Harvard Ph.D. Dr. Geist on Emotional Reactions in a Bear Market - Entrar on line no site do grupo e ver via Web ou entrar no site para visualizar melhor!

From: "Crispassinato"

5. Maria Limeira Esse eu fiz agorinha, e lembrei do que vc falou...

From: "Crispassinato"

6. ENC: Where Are The Markets Headed? Here Is the Answer

From: "Crispassinato"



Message: 1

Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2002 22:21:45 +0000

From: "cusca castilho"

Subject: Re: [Química Net] Digest Number 150

















>Subject: [Química Net] Digest Number 150

>Date: 20 Jul 2002 06:25:45 -0000



>Para obter mais informações sobre o grupo Química Net, visite:




>Enviar mensagens:


>Sair da lista:





>There are 6 messages in this issue.


>Topics in this digest:


> 1. Uma Breve Lembrança - Depoimento Crônica e Pensamentos de uma

>Aprendiz de Poeta

> From: "Crispassinato"

> 2. Boletins Diarios Quimicanet!

> From: "Crispassinato"

> 3. ENC: ***Sonhos e Palavras*** ENC: Mar de Poesias - Publicaçao

>Cris Passinato

> From: "Crispassinato"

> 4. ENC: [dreamlista] Animais da semana - Extinção

> From: "Crispassinato"

> 5. ENC: [dreamlista] Mudanças no Yahoo - Boucing.

> From: "Crispassinato"

> 6. ENC: Textos Didáticos sobre Filosofia.htm

> From: "Crispassinato"






>Message: 1

> Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 03:00:22 -0300

> From: "Crispassinato"

>Subject: Uma Breve Lembrança - Depoimento Crônica e Pensamentos de uma

>Aprendiz de Poeta



> Uma Breve Lembrança

> Cris Passinato

> Julho / 2002

> Rio de Janeiro


> Engraçada essa sensação que sinto que meu passado ainda não passou e que

>ele vive a cada suspiro, e cada música, canto de minha casa, sala, quarto,


> São mesclados sonhos, cheiros, gostos, sons, sentimentos de saudosismo


>parece pieguisse, mas é a mais profunda melancolia de ver o que se

>transformou o meu mundo.

> Meu mundinho que não passa das paredes de meu quarto.

> Ele foi se estreitando, se delimitando, pois não cabe mais tanta coisa.

> Muitos livros, CD´s, uma parafernalha de computação e eletrônicos,


>tanta tecnologia e nostalgia, que me fazem chorar de saudade dos meus


>de gravador de mão e da vitrolinha que tocava com o auto-falante o


>de vinil single das Patotinhas patinando na capa e vendo a Eliana ainda

>adolescente com cara de menina boba e não aquela apresentadora que parece

>uma Barbie, que também surgiu nessa época e foi sensação, sim porque antes

>dessa, eu tive várias Susis, alguém se lembra?

> Li outro dia um e-mail sobre lembrar de determinadas coisas, e com as

>fotos, nossa foi um chororô desgramado...

> Isso porque vocês não podem nem imaginar, vocês não tem a menor noção de

>minhas brincadeiras na escola, e os problemas que atravessava de adaptação


>dos colegas me entenderem...

> Eu peguei do bambolê, elástico, io-iô da coca-cola, aquelas coleções de

>garrafinhas de coca pequeninas, estava lançando a Sprite, meu Deus, como o

>tempo passou. Gostava muito do Genius, tinha pavor de uma mão verde do


>alguém se lembra dele? E um gancho vermelho.

> E os jogos da Grow?

> Nossa, aqueles play mobil e casinhas de madeira que montava e fazia uma

>cidade, porque ainda não havia chegado o Lego na minha época.

> Enfim, bebia no intervalo, no Recreio mesmo das aulas, um Ola Ola, sabe

>aquela mistura de todos os refrigerantes de máquina juntos e um misto ou


> Jesus amado, como o tempo voa, ainda ontem eu saia para as festas de 15


> Ainda ontem, eu dei o primeiro beijo que odiei...

> Ainda ontem, passei no vestibular, e não é que até hoje estou lá na

>faculdade presa no passado que queria que passasse, mas esse teima em não

>sair de minha vida.

> Meu Jesus, olha aqui a minha coleção de papéis de carta!

> Não, não é a do computador não, é aquela das pastas e pastas e as

>figurinhas, olha?

> Figurinhas de álbum Sarah Key, uma espécie de Ane Geddes da época só que

>de desenhinhos bonitinhos, tipo fofolete, sabe?

> E o Amar É... Aqueles bonequinhos peladinhos com frases lindas de amor,

>que nem auto-colantes eram, que engraçado lembrar disso?

> Meninos, e quando começaram a fazer xerox? Foi um advento para mim

>comparado na época ao computador, sabe... Porque peguei o mimiógrafo e os

>carbonos de mamãe me sujavam toda a mão e os jornaizinhos da quinta série,

>eu rodei nele, no mimiógrafo da mamãe e bati na minha olivete portátil,

>super moderna, que nem elétrica era.

> Tinha que rir mesmo, eu nem sabia que iria fazer tudo assim num

>instrumento que depois de tudo corrigidinho, e olha que nem sempre sai

>perfeitinho, agente imprime, não é legal?

> Pois é...

> Delícia não é?

> Pois então, com um passado tão doce, o que eu me prepararia no futuro?

> Enganaram-me que tudo ia ser lindo, que eu ia dar certo e que tudo ia


>florido e lindo em meus lindos e sorridentes dias.

> Esqueceram-se de me mostrar e preparar pra esse mundo cão, que me engole

>na primeira mordida para as grades de meu quarto que me prende nesse

>passado que não me faz cair no chão...


















> [Crispassinato] (gentileza de ***Marcinha*** do papel de carta de fundo)




>[This message contained attachments]







>Message: 2

> Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 03:48:02 -0300

> From: "Crispassinato"

>Subject: Boletins Diarios Quimicanet!


>A Partir de Hj, os boletins diarios do Quimicanet estarao publicados no


>Em meu nome, como autora, entao, qq duvida ou querendo alguem procurar ou

>resgatar alguma msg ou texto, alem das fontes e do site do yahoo, ainda

>teremos esse site de fonte...


>Bjinhos a todos

>Cristiana Passinato

>Fundadora e Moderadora!







>Message: 3

> Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 05:14:34 -0300

> From: "Crispassinato"

>Subject: ENC: ***Sonhos e Palavras*** ENC: Mar de Poesias - Publicaçao Cris











> Email

> Senha


> Não é cadastrado?

> Esqueceu sua senha?









> todo o site poetas poesias








> Mar de Poesias

> Oceano de Poesias

> Mar de Trocas









> Quais dos temas abaixo você sugere para o

>próximo concurso do Mar de Poesias?


> Amizade

> Natureza

> Paz

> Saudade









> Hospedado por

> Central de Domínio









> Poetas ConsagradosPoetas do Mar Ondas de

>Poesia (por e-mail) Poesia da Semana









> Lista por ordem alfabética:


> a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v


>x y z




> Cristiana de Barcellos Passinato - Cris Passinato



> Olá, Meu nome é Cristiana de Barcellos Passinato,

>mais conhecida virtual e em meu meio acadêmico como Cris, ou Cris


>Bem, eu nasci dia 23 de dezembro de 1973, na casa de Saúde São José, no

>bairro de Botafogo, na Zona Sul da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Meus pais

>moravam perto de meus avós no Bairro de Lins de Vasconcelos, na Zona Norte

>da cidade, que naquela época eram nobres ainda, perto do Méier, Vila Isabel

>e Tijuca. Mas lembro mesmo do casarão, sobrado e grande quintal da casa de

>meus avós maternos. Meus avós paternos e tios, são descendentes de

>italianos, e minha avó inclusive é imigrante que veio bebê para o Brasil,

>mas eles moravam distantes, no Sul do País, em Loanda, uma cidadezinha de

>barro vermelho no chão, do Paraná, onde meu pai foi criado, mas na


>como meu avô era da Marinha Mercante e viajava muito, tinham filhos em cada

>parte do País. Meu pai, por exemplo, ele e sua irmã gêmea, nasceram em

>Concórdia, SC< a terra da Sadia, para ser mais específica. Minha mãe,

>carioca da gema, e meus avós engenheiro e a minha avó professora,

>dscendentes de portugueses e de uma linhagem dita mais nobre, sendo que


>não importa para mim em nada, mas enfim, há que dê valor a árvores

>genealógicas, sangue, genética, sobrenomes, essa coisa toda. Fomos logo nos

>mudando e me lembro do apartamento da Urca com mais nitidez, aliás, bairro

>que amei morar, antes de ir para São Conrado, Ilha do Governador, Campo

>Grande, voltar para Sao Conrado, ir para a Barra da Tijuca e finalmente vir

>parar nesse paraíso bucólico, dizem até ser uma espécie de "roça" pouco

>urbanizada, onde tudo é quieto e todos andam de bicicleta, até altas horas

>da madrugada. Aqui ainda têm, procissões de Igreja e quermécies, mas isso é

>outro papo... Bem, voltando a minha vidinha quase boa. Nesses percursos,

>estudei em vários colégios e a minha formação pode ser mais bem visualizada

>em e

> Tenho, 28 anos, pretendo

>me formar como professora de Química ano que vem pela UERJ e sou Técnica em

>Química formada pela Escola Técnica Federal de Química. Os detalhes,


>recorrer a meu e-mail, e meus sites, e onde publico minhas poesias, que uma

>boa busca em sites tipo, cade, yahoo, google, enfim, podem fornecer mais

>detalhes... Pelo meu e-mail fornecerei com todo prazer mais informações e

>esses créditos a quem quer que seja, e que esteja interessado realmente em

>me conhecer melhor para saber um pouco mais de quem escreve os textos aqui

>apresentados. Obrigada Voltem sempre e leiam meus textos que serão sempre

>inseridos nesses espaço, tão nobre. Bjinhos Cris Passinato ICQ



> Índice das poesias:


> Lua : Verdadeiro Sol da Meia Noite


> Nosso Louco Amor


> Uma Breve Lembrança


> Menina Moleca


> Sorria Corrigido autoria no Suigeneris Portal



> Meu Passado


> Pensamento


> Mãe


> Bruxa


> Eu sou uma...


> Primaveras


> Dueto Enígma - Cris Passinato e Celito Medeiros


> Desbloqueando a Criança






> home - poesias - canais - notícias - fale conosco




>Há quem diga que todas as noites são de sonhos.

>Mas há também quem diga nem todas, só as de verão.

>Mas no fundo isso não tem muita importância.

>O que interessa mesmo não são as noites em si,

>são os sonhos.Sonhos que o homem sonha sempre.

>Em todos os lugares, em todas as épocas do ano,

>dormindo ou acordado.


>Trecho da peça :Sonhos de Uma noite de Verão

>de William Shakespeare



>Owner: Fatima Dannemann


>Moderadores: Maysa Magalhães, Deolinda Santos, Carla Cristina Dias e

>Ezequiel Mendes Pereira (Zaque)


>Apoio Especial: Lori Nascimento


>Sonhador Especial: Arnaldo


>Homenageado da semana: Maurilio


>Para enviar mensagem:

>para cancelar:



>Seu uso do Yahoo! Grupos é sujeito aos Termos do Serviço Yahoo!.




>[This message contained attachments]







>Message: 4

> Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 13:41:35 -0300

> From: "Crispassinato"

>Subject: ENC: [dreamlista] Animais da semana - Extinção



>-----Mensagem original-----

>De: Deolinda Pimentel dos Santos []

>Enviada em: sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2002 13:36


>Assunto: Res: [dreamlista] Animais da semana - Extinção



> Como bióloga só tenho a lamentar esses tristes acontecimentos.

> Deo


> -------Mensagem original-------


> De:

> Data: sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2002 02:20:42

> Para:

> Assunto: [dreamlista] Animais da semana - Extinção






>muita tristeza que comunicamos a EXTINÇÃO NA NATUREZA da Ararinha Azul. O

>último exemplar selvagem conhecido dessa espécie e que habitava a região de

>Curaçá, no sertão da Bahia, desapareceu em outubro de 2000. Além disso, o

>Ibama decidiu dissolver o Comitê para Recuperação da Ararinha-Azul

>(Cyanopsitta spixii), criado em 1990 com o objetivo de estabelecer

>estratégias de recuperação da espécie, uma das mais ameaçadas de extinção



> Saiba mais...



> Ararinha Azul - - A Ararinha Azul vivia no extremo norte da

>Bahia ao sul do Rio São Francisco, na Caatinga, onde ocorrem caraibeiras,

>pinhões e faveleiras (plantas que ela utilizava). De hábitos sociais

>selvagens pouco conhecidos, faz seus ninhos em caraibeiras (Tabebuia

>caraiba), substituídos em cativeiro pelos ninhos de madeira.

> Saiba mais...



> Animais ameaçados de Extinção - De acordo com o IBAMA, a

>exploração desordenada tem levado a fauna brasileira a um processo de

>extinção de espécies intenso, seja pelo avanço da fronteira agrícola, seja

>pela caça esportiva, de subsistência ou com fins econômicos, como a venda


>peles e animais vivos. Este processo vem crescendo nas últimas duas


>à medida que a população cresce e os índices de pobreza aumentam. O Brasil

>possui 208 espécies na Lista Oficial de animais ameaçados de extinção e dez

>novas espécies serão adicionadas em breve.

> Saiba mais...



> Criar animais silvestres em cativeiro. Pois bem, você decidiu

>ter um animal silvestre como animal de estimação ou companhia. A decisão


>sua, porém saiba que ter um animal silvestre em casa requer

>responsabilidade, respeito as características comportamentais do bicho,

>cuidados sanitários e respeito as leis.

> Saiba mais...







> voe conosco e explore todos os limites dos seus sonhos


> Para cancelar sua assinatura deste grupo, envie um e-mail para:



> Owner: Rubens Dog

> Moderadoras: Fatima Dannemann e Deo Santos



> Seu uso do Yahoo! Grupos é sujeito aos Termos do Serviço Yahoo!.






> IncrediMail - O mundo do correio eletrônico finalmente desenvolveu-se -

>Clique aqui

>voe conosco e explore todos os limites dos seus sonhos


>Para cancelar sua assinatura deste grupo, envie um e-mail para:



>Owner: Rubens Dog

>Moderadoras: Fatima Dannemann e Deo Santos



>Seu uso do Yahoo! Grupos é sujeito aos Termos do Serviço Yahoo!.




>[This message contained attachments]







>Message: 5

> Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 21:42:30 -0300

> From: "Crispassinato"

>Subject: ENC: [dreamlista] Mudanças no Yahoo - Boucing.



>-----Mensagem original-----

>De: ***Marcinha***

>Enviada em: quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2002 09:23

>Para: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"

>Assunto: [dreamlista] Mudanças no Yahoo - Boucing.












> Amigos, o Yahoo inventou mais uma!!!!!!


> Não está sendo mais permitido aos moderadores de uma lista,


>o BOUCING de um participante. Isso não só com a nossa, mas com as demais



> Para quem ainda não entendeu direito o que vem a ser o BOUCING, vou

>tentar explicar:


> Caso vc esteja com sua caixa postal cheia, depois de um certo número

>de mensagens devolvidas, seu endereço irá para esse tal de BOUCING. Com

>isso, vc estará fora do grupo que recebe e que pode enviar mensagens à



> Antes havia uma opção UNBOUCING e diariamente a moderação ia a essa

>página e reativava quem estivesse como inativo para o envio/recebimento de

>mensagens, porém constando ainda na Lista. Hoje essa opção não existe mais


>nem com "alguns jeitinhos" que antes se dava, os tais "jeitinhos" deixaram

>de existir.


> Cada vez que se reativava, alguns de vcs recebiam mensagem


>do Yahoo dizendo que estavam sendo incluídos na lista, quando para vcs, já

>estavam.... risos...


> Dentre as mudanças que eles fizeram, agora quem pode reativar a

>assinatura, somente poderá ser o próprio assinante e para que isso


>eles enviam uma mensagem diretamente ao assinante que chamam de PEDIDO DE



> Já recebi por parte de um de vcs, repasse dessa mensagem e quem me

>enviou dizia não saber do que se tratava. O que fiz? Cliquei num endereço

>contido no texto do email, uma mensagem seguiu para o Yahoo a a pessoa foi

>liberada do BOUCING e voltou como ativo na lista.


> Portanto, caso um de vcs recebam essa mensagem cliquem no endereço

>mencionado e enviem a mensagem que será gerada. Se tiverem dúvidas,


>para mim que farei isso.


> Qualquer dúvida, por favor, contatem a moderação.







>voe conosco e explore todos os limites dos seus sonhos


>Para cancelar sua assinatura deste grupo, envie um e-mail para:



>Owner: Rubens Dog

>Moderadoras: Fatima Dannemann e Deo Santos



>Seu uso do Yahoo! Grupos é sujeito aos Termos do Serviço Yahoo!.




>[This message contained attachments]







>Message: 6

> Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 22:57:46 -0300

> From: "Crispassinato"

>Subject: ENC: Textos Didáticos sobre Filosofia.htm



>-----Mensagem original-----

>De: Sylvio Ferreira

>Enviada em: sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2002 22:20

>Assunto: Textos Didáticos sobre Filosofia.htm



> -------Mensagem original-------

> De: Aureci Figueiredo Martins

> Data: Sexta-feira, 19 de Julho de 2002 09:57:44

> Assunto: Textos Didáticos sobre Filosofia.htm


> Caros Amigos.

> Para quem gosta de FILOSOFIA, recomendo a leitura dos textos


>de Sílvio Seno Chibeni, Prof. da UNICAMP, nos sites:


> (Textos filosóficos)


> (Espiritismo e Ciência)


> Abaixo a HOME PAGE do primeiro site acima:

> Textos Didáticos

> 1. Introdução à filosofia:


> 2. Filosofia: Noções introdutórias


> 3. Epistemologia: Noções introdutórias


> 4. Lógica e argumentação:


> 5. Notas sobre tipos de argumentos


> 6. Notas sobre lógica: O condicional


> 7. História da filosofia:


> 8. Material sobre Locke


> 9. Resumo da parte III do Tratado da Natureza Humana de D.


>(versão provisória)


> 10. Resumo da Investigação sobre o Entendimento Humano de D. Hume

>(versão provisória)


> 11. Filosofia da ciência:


> 12. O que é ciência? (Word 2000)


> 13. Observações sobre as relações entre a ciência e a filosofia

>(Word 2000)


> 14. Epistemologia da física:


> Ø Características conceituais básicas da física clássica. (Word



> Ø O surgimento da física quântica. (Word 2000)


> Ø Uma breve introdução ao problema da medida em mecânica

>quântica.(Word 2000)


> Ø Algumas noções sobre o formalismo quântico.(Word 2000)


> Ø A interpretação da mecânica quântica (Revista Com Ciência,

>SBPC/Labjor, maio/2001.)



> Caso não queira mais receber mensagens minhas clique em REMOVER

> Vivemos numa democracia e você tem o direito de escolha, pelo menos


>minha parte.


> Abraços,

> Sylvio Ferreira






> IncrediMail - O mundo do correio eletrônico finalmente desenvolveu-se -

>Clique aqui



>[This message contained attachments]









>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to


Converse com seus amigos online, faça o download grátis do MSN Messenger:



Message: 2

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 01:40:39 -0000

From: "crispassinato"

Subject: Obrigada Bia

Legal, obrigada, Bia!

Adorei sua msg...

Mas se puder, procure algo tb de nossa área para contribuir, pode ser

do tipo que estou poestando, e nos estamos todos recebendo

diariamente o resumo só, assim é mais fácil, leve e objetivo para

quem trabalha, estuda e não tem tempo para msgs como as que costumo


Ou seja, o que vc enviar, será postado ao grupo, armazenado e assim

sendo resumido em forma de texto em um só e-mail diário, a noite.

E eles todos estão também disponíveis on line, publicados em;

Eu tenho tentado em portais de UNIVERSIDADES, mailing lists de

educação e ciência. Além de estar lendo e assistindo em TV sobre

vários tópicos, e o que acho interessante, eu coloco para o grupo,

que apesar de não se manifestar no próprio grupo, vez por outra me

remete algo em pvt (private = e-mail particular:

Espero que ajude tb a nossa pequena comunidade de amigos na Química.


Cristiana Passinato...



Message: 3

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 04:37:19 -0300

From: "Crispassinato"

Subject: ENC: [dreamlista] * Truque do dia *

Truques e Dicas de Softwares por e-mail

-----Mensagem original-----

De: *Celle*

Enviada em: sábado, 27 de julho de 2002 14:16

Para: *Dream Lista*

Assunto: [dreamlista] * Truque do dia *

Truque do dia 1.11.

Proteção contra vírus de computador

Todos nós, usuários de computador, temos que nos preocupar com os

vírus de computador. Não tem outro jeito. Todos os dias surgem novos vírus e

os programas anti-vírus são obrigatórios, principalmente nos computadores

com acesso à Internet.

Um computador pode ser infectado por um vírus simplesmente ao acessar

um site na Internet. Na maioria desses casos os programas anti-vírus

detectam o vírus e orientam o usuário adequadamente.

Entretanto, o e-mail tem sido o meio de disseminação de vírus

preferido. É difícil encontrar quem não tenha tido o computador contaminado

por um vírus de e-mail. O Nimda, por exemplo, chegou a computadores do mundo

todo e ainda causa problemas para muita gente.

Neste Truque do dia contaremos de dois softwares cada vez mais usados

para proteger os computadores e que podem ser úteis para todos vocês: o AVG

AntiVirus e o MailWasher.

As informações abaixo são simples e, claro, não ensinam tudo sobre os

softwares. Quem quiser usá-los terá que gastar um tempo explorando-os para

tirar o máximo proveito deles. Mas, creiam, vale à pena.

AVG 6.0 Anti-Virus System

O AVG é um programa anti-vírus fabricado por uma empresa chamada

Grisoft. O programa é gratuito, está na versão 6.0, portanto não é um

programa novo que ainda pode falhar deixando o computador desguarnecido.

A empresa libera atualizações com freqüência que também são gratuitas.

Um recurso interessante do AVG é que o programa, ao analisar e-mails

recebidos e enviados, acrescenta-lhes algumas linhas de texto informando que

eles foram analisados pelo programa e não foram detectados vírus. Assim, o

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Message: 4

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 04:38:06 -0300

From: "Crispassinato"

Subject: ENC: Harvard Ph.D. Dr. Geist on Emotional Reactions in a Bear Market - Entrar on line no site do grupo e ver via Web ou entrar no site para visualizar melhor!

-----Mensagem original-----



Enviada em: sábado, 27 de julho de 2002 13:29


Assunto: Harvard Ph.D. Dr. Geist on Emotional Reactions in a Bear Market

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July 27, 2002

Volume V, Issue 57

Email :


To OTC Journal Members:

Dr. Richard Geist, Harvard Ph.D. in Psychology on

the Psychological Stresses of the Worst Bear Market in History

This weekend s edition is a must read for all stock

market investors. Dr. Richard Geist, considered to be today s foremost

authority on the psychology of investing, has written an article exclusively

for members of the OTC Journal on the psychological aspects of dealing with

the worst Bear Market in history.

Dr. Richard Geist has a Ph.D. in psychology from

Harvard. He has published numerous works on the psychology of investing, is

a frequent guest on CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, and all the major television

networks devoted to the stock market. He is often quoted in major

publication including the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Barron s, and


Dr. Geist publishes his own newsletter entitled

Strategic Investing. He is a long time devotee of small and microcap stocks,

and is an avid investor. He suffers the same psychological stress we all

have felt in this environment. As you read this article, we are certain you

will recognize many of the same feelings and emotions we have all felt

during the past 19 months as investors have watched their stock market

wealth get decimated. There are also some concrete suggestions for renewing

your enthusiasm. This edition is a must read for all investors.


Dr. Richard Geist

The markets have been spiraling downward for

eight straight weeks. As we write, for the year the Dow is down 24.22%, the

S&P 500 is down 32.04%, the Nasdaq is down 38.17%, and the Russell is down

$27.33%. All indices have now dropped below the September 21, 2001 lows. In

fact, the S&P is now 38% undervalued, a level which in the past has lured

bargain hunters into buying beaten down stocks. Investors either remain on

the sidelines or are raising cash to preserve what s left of retirement

accounts in advance of a perceived final capitulation. Reinforcing this

behavior is the unusual fact that stocks typically lead us out of a

recession while the economy follows in its wake. Currently, however, the

economy is perking up--growing at what appears will be a 3% rate this

year--while stocks continue to plunge lower.

It is all too easy to point to external

reasons for a failed market recovery: fears of terrorism, the inability of

Israel and Palestine to come to the peace table, low earnings visibility,

and accounting scams and mistrust in corporate America. In addition to

external factors, however, which are usually short-term phenomena, it may be

helpful to look at some of the internal, psychological factors that are

inhibiting investors’ return to the market. For as Charlie Munger once said,

“...not enough attention is given to the lollapalooza effects coming from

combinations of psychological tendencies.” Hence here are some psychological

factors contributing to the market’s continued declines and investor


A Waning Sense of Hope

The motivation for all investing is realistic

hope. Whether on the long side or the short side, investors must possess a

strong, reality-based feeling that the market will validate their stock

picking judgments. Realistic hope, as Ernest Schachtel once pointed out,

“has an activating effect.” In other words it helps mobilize the energy

required for any activity. Therefore, hope in the market not only motivates

us to actually invest; it also energizes us to think about the

possibilities, what we might invest in when the time is right, what

conditions might be necessary for the market to change directions, what

strategies are best to meet our goals. Even when we suffer a loss in the

market and our confidence wanes, if hope remains alive, we will have the

capacity to pursue our goals.

The mobilization of hope can be damaged

greatly by a sense of basic mistrust, characterized by an ongoing feeling of

uncertainty and unpredictability. Such emotional states of doubt and

randomicity usually follow periods where the predominant feeling has been

one of magical hope, “a wishful expectation and anticipation that somehow

things will change for the better.” The technology bubble, which was

characterized by magical hope, confirmed for many investors that their

grandest wishes would be magically fulfilled without any effort on their

part. Thus when the bubble collapsed, it became enormously difficult to

maintain realistic hope. Investors had no idea what changes would be

necessary to renew their faith in the market. As realistic hope waned, we

experienced the September 11th tragedy and subsequent Enronitis. The ability

to remobilize realistic hope was postponed.

Depression and Anxiety

Talk to most investors in the market today and

you will come away recognizing most folks are feeling either anxious,

depressed, or both. Prolonged anxiety and depression inevitably lead to a

pervasive pessimism where investors discern a bleak future for the market.

Worries about retirement, sending children to college, and a ten-year period

where the market goes nowhere are frequently expressed concerns.

Anxiety as an emotional state negatively

affects the way we think. As I’ve pointed out in the past, there are two

major consequences of anxiety. First, it stimulates a change in our thinking

processes from one of connecting words and thought by logic to one in which

words and thoughts are connected by emotion. You can capture this quality

most readily if you imagine the first word that comes into your mind when

you think of the word red. For most people, their first association to red

is an emotion rather than a dictionary definition of the word such as a

color on the spectrum. Red is often associated to excitement, danger, or

other heightened emotional states (not to mention the predominant color on

our computer screens). When we think in emotions rather than logical

connections, we are much more prone to make judgments based on emotional

stories in the media, stock message board rumors, and friendly advice from

our relatives rather than on any rational understanding of fundamentals.

The second consequence of anxiety is that it

promotes jigsaw puzzle thinking. This is a thought process where, instead of

being able to look at a whole picture, we can only see fragments of the

picture, pieces of the puzzle that may or may not be relevant to the whole.

For example, Tyco’s CEO Dennis Kozlowski’s resignation and indictment for

possible sales tax evasion dominated the headlines recently. Investor talk

shows and market-focused television shows were hammering away at

management s lack of integrity. While there are indeed several high profile

cases of what appear to be blatant dishonesty in corporate America, the

whole picture leads to a very different perspective. Most of the public

companies are honestly going about their business. The combination of jig

saw puzzle thinking and emotional cognition lead us to believe we are in the

middle of an Enronitis epidemic that requires we quarantine the market.

These thoughts force investors to ignore all the signs of an impending

recovery. Even more importantly, the same jigsaw puzzle thinking occurs when

making decisions about individual stocks. We spend weeks studying a

company s fundamentals, technicals, management, product and services before

buying a stock; but when the stock retreats and we feel anxious, we tend to

make sell decisions based on one or two variables, often price or volume

without regard for the total picture.

A Sluggish Sense of Time

Time is both an objective and subjective

phenomenon. Objectively we define time as the duration of seconds, minutes,

hours, days, months, years that can be clocked and measured according to

some agreed upon standards. We all know that a week consists of 7 days.

However, if you tell your two year old that you ll be gone for a week, he or

she will have no conception of the length of your absence because his sense

of time is not highly developed. Once you leave, your child may experience

the week as eternity, which brings us to subjective time. We all experience

time differently, depending on our developmental stage and emotional state.

Vacations pass quickly; the work day drags interminably; time occasionally

stands still; time passes more slowly for children than for adults.

Subjective time can be defined as the distortions of clock time inherent in

each of our own psychic lives.

When we feel optimistic and hopeful, time

passes all too quickly. Recall how you felt during the tech bubble. We could

buy over-valued stocks for the long run without giving it a second thought.

We’d be rich overnight, even if overnight meant a couple of years. When we

feel depressed or despairing, however, time moves very slowly. During a

market downturn, there is a pervasive feeling of “in the doldrums forever.”

To consider buying stocks during this period with a two-year outlook on the

market is next to impossible for many. The combination of depression and

lack of hope vitiates our psychological ability to imagine a near term

future. As Pascal once said, in this state “...we never live, we only hope

to live; and, in awaiting and preparing ourselves for happiness we

inevitably never are happy.” When time moves so slowly, and we don’t live,

time forces human emotions to move contrary to our economic interests by

interfering with long term investing. As long as we experience time as

moving so slowly, investors will find it difficult to move money back into

the market.

Lowered Self Esteem

We know that investors use the market to

validate and enhance their self-esteem. We feel good about ourselves when we

pick stocks and the market confirms our skills and judgment by sending our

stocks higher. We feel good about ourselves when we follow others’

recommendations and succeed because we have joined them in a shared sense of

power and knowledge--buoyed by a connection with the discoverer of a

lucrative investment. We feel good about ourselves when we are part of a

group that uses a successful strategy--be it fundamental analysis, technical

analysis, momentum investing, short selling, etc.

When the market fails to validate our

self-esteem, however, we begin to lose both our confidence and our joy in

participating. For example, if we’ve followed the recommendation of an

admired market guru and his or her recommendation fails to perform, we often

feel let down and suspicious. We begin to devalue the guru, advisor, or

security analyst. This devaluation of others and the market in general fuels

our pessimism while preventing us against mobilizing hope too quickly. In

combination with our hopelessness and depression, it is this devaluation

that evokes the feeling nothing will get better any time soon. It is in part

this devaluation that causes bear markets to continue well below reasonable

valuation levels.

Complex Adaptive Systems: Why Emotions are so

Troubling for the Market

At first glance we can argue the above

emotional reactions to the market--lowered self esteem, a sluggish sense of

time, depression and anxiety, a waning sense of hope--are normal and exist

in both bull and bear markets. This is generally true, and such emotional

reactions are specifically responsible for many investor mistakes. When we

begin to apply them to the market as a whole, they take on a life of their

own. Peter Bak, in his book How Nature Works, describes what has come to be

called a complex adaptive system. Suppose we have two people in the same

room expressing emotion. The dynamics of the interaction will not be

particularly interesting unless you’re a psychologist. If we add another

dozen people to the room, we now have a group with many interactions that

begin to take on a life of their own.

Bak would say the individuals in the group now

transition to a complex adaptive system. In other words, a group of

interactions are more complex than the people who comprise the group. This

transition from individual emotion to group is called “self-organized

criticality” and is “self organized,” meaning the individual emotions

expressed have evolved into a group feeling without input from any outside

agent. As Bak states, “The state is established solely because of the

dynamic interactions among individual elements of the system: the critical

state is self organized.” This means: 1) the resulting group expression is

greater than the sum of its parts; and 2) the system is out of balance such

that minor events may lead to major changes (called avalanches). The changes

that take place can no longer be understood by studying the individual’s

emotions because the sum of the emotions have become larger than the sum of

their individual expression.

The group, or to make a leap to capital

markets, the herd is now a complex adaptive system that is out of balance

and subject to major changes as a result of the cumulative expression of

otherwise minor emotions. Hopelessness, depression, anxiety, a sluggish

sense of time, and low self-esteem are no longer separate emotions belonging

to individuals. They now combine to form a complex adaptive system that

takes on a life of its own. Bak’s analogy to this process is a pile of sand,

which, as we continually add individual grains, changes the nature of the

sand pile from static grains to a dynamic system in which a small

change--adding one more grain of sand, can lead to an avalanche in the pile.

As emotions become a complex adaptive system

within the herd, very small changes--such as Tyco’s CEO resigning or Intel

lowering its revenue projections for a quarter--can have major effects on

the market. As Bak put it, “...a thought (in our terms an emotion) may be

viewed as a punctuation, i.e. a small or large avalanche triggered by some

minor input in the form of an observation or by another thought” (emotion).

We are in the midst of many such small

avalanches being triggered by world socioeconomic and political events. The

usual smooth progression of the market has been punctuated by minor emotions

that have taken on a life of their own, complex and unpredictable. It is

during these periods that the survival of individual investors depends on

understanding how to navigate through these critical states.

What is important to understand now is that

self organized criticality of emotions is the market’s way of taking a large

step over a relatively short period of time while driving from the market

those who react rather than anticipate and respond to the new complex

adaptive state. The only way to survive this step is to remain in the

market, knowing that as a result of the complexity a new and different bull

market will be born. If we can anticipate and plan for this new bull market,

while avoiding being sucked into one of the avalanches, we will find

ourselves in exactly the right place when it resumes.

So what do we do now from a practical point of


The overwhelming majority of investors are

feeling anxious, pessimistic, hopeless, and apathetic. These are natural

emotions in the face of the worst market conditions since the Great

Depression. Remember, the Nasdaq is down over 80% from its high! If you’re

not feeling some of these emotions, you’re in complete denial, or you’ve

been profiting on the short side. The trick of dealing with these feelings

is to allow yourself to experience them without allowing them to determine

what you actually do in the market. One caller told me that when she opened

her latest brokerage statement, she wanted to sell everything and hold onto

the minimal cash that remained. Then she realized that if she acted on those

feelings, she would have no way of making up her losses. While you don’t

have to make up for losses using the same portfolio of stocks that

precipitated the losses, if you’re not in the market you will be likely to

miss the first 30%-40% of the new bull market when it arrives.

There are a number of activities that will

help you cope. First, think back to the things you have done correctly in

this market. You may have performed some excellent research and been

absolutely correct about your choices, only to be blindsided by the market’s

retreat. Because you didn’t sell in a timely manner this doesn’t mean your

stock picking skills have disappeared. Second, begin to analyze the

mistakes you did make. What was it that caused your failure to sell on time?

Did you miss an important clue from an individual company? Were you too

carried away with your own magical hope to realize the bull market was

coming to an end? The more you can analyze your mistakes, the less likely

you are to repeat them. For example, if you realize that you got carried

away with magical hope on the upside, chances are you will get carried away

with irrational pessimism on the down side; therefore, you should be making

a concerted effort to look forward rather than at yesterday’s headlines

(e.g. Corporate mistrust is now an old issue and is already discounted in

the market). Third, engage your analytic, cognitive processes to begin to

think about the market. What would you buy or sell if the market turned

around tomorrow? What factors are most likely to influence the market going

forward? What strategies work best for you? What sector of the market has

the best fit with your personality? Becoming actively engaged in market

analysis will re-energize your hope and confidence in yourself without

having to act on your plans yet. Fourth, begin discussing the market with a

small group of trusted others. Investing in an interpersonal context, where

others can challenge your ideas and expand your ways of looking at the

market and individual stocks, helps you use emotion to enhance rather than

undermine performance. Finally, begin to test out your plans by putting one

foot back in the market. Research a couple of stocks and buy a few shares.

Beginning to apply your strategies again will re-invigorate your enthusiasm

for real life investing.


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Message: 5

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 07:20:26 -0300

From: "Crispassinato"

Subject: Maria Limeira Esse eu fiz agorinha, e lembrei do que vc falou...

Sustentável Leveza do Meu Ser!

Cristiana de Barcellos Passinato

28 de julho de 2002.

Rio de Janeiro

Sou leve.

A brisa me leva.

Vez por outra me pego

Pensando no porquê.

Não físico,

Mas mentalmente não transfiguro minhas atitudes

Em leveza.

Meu corpo,

Não é leve.

Isso tudo para que serve?

Para me calar?

Para me esconder?


Ponho-me a blefar a todo momento.

Mostrando o que, na realidade, nem sou eu.

Contradizendo o meu corpo frente a minha psiquê.

Porque tenho que sofrer?

Ora! Para isso:

Essa contradição diária,

Põe-me etinerária e etinerante por quilômetros,

Em poucos metros em círculo dentro do meu quarto.

Vou e volto em um curto trajeto,

Repetitivo impulso necessário

Para pensar em mudar.

Ponho-me a meditar e constatar a necessidade,

Que a palavra tem de saltar e mostrar

Quem realmente sou.

Veio-me a cabeça uma quadra, ao amanhecer desse lindo Domingo:

No amanhecer

Vem o prazer do criar

Para andar e soprar

O que pude inventar.

(Cristiana de Barcellos Passinato)

Um pensamento do momento:

Se soubesse que tínhamos que parar,

deletar dados que não prestam,

passar um "defrag" no HD e poder continuar no mesmo ritmo?

Entregava-me a um cientista e trocava meu cérebro por um chip de maior


(Cristiana de Barcellos Passinato)


Não quer mais receber e-mails meus? Click aqui e coloque

"Cancelamento" no assunto de seu e-mail.


CristianaPassinato *.*.* (click e responda-me)


meu blog está anunciado no Guia acima (membro efetiva 2002)

Seja um

KaiZen Member

Cel: 21 9692-9493 (mande-me um torpedo click e vá direto ao site. Espero





Message: 6

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 07:20:58 -0300

From: "Crispassinato"

Subject: ENC: Where Are The Markets Headed? Here Is the Answer

-----Mensagem original-----


[]Em nome de


Enviada em: domingo, 28 de julho de 2002 06:58


Assunto: Where Are The Markets Headed? Here Is the Answer

If you are reading this message in plaintext or if you have an AOL address

you must click on this link: and wait for

a web page to automatically open up to properly read this newsletter.

Dow Jones 8,264.39 +78.08 8:23 pm EST, Sat., July 27, 2002

NASDAQ 1,262.12 +22.04 For info, visit


S & P 500 852.84 +14.15 To be removed, please click here .

Russell 2000 382.26 +4.15 VOLUME 02: ISSUE 51

SmallCap Digest Weekend Edition: Where Are The Markets Headed?

Here Is the Answer

**One of Worth Magazine s top 250 financial advisers will be

answering any questions readers may have about financial planning or related

topics. Questions maybe sent to **

This weekend we have a special edition of the SmallCap Digest.

Here is the answer...actually here are four answers to where the markets are

headed. The SmallCap Digest asked some of the most respected experts on the

stock market to tell us where they think we are headed.

As the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of,

Michael J. Parness online guise, Waxie, guides subscribers through bull and

bear stock market conditions. A trend-trader, Michael s value lies within

seeing future market trends. Responsible for the direction and momentum of

the company, his knowledge and unconventional approach have earned him

respect within the investment community and acclaim as a financial advisor.

Since of April 2000 we have been advising clients to get out of

the market as investors and strictly trade. At 4600 we called the Nasdaq to

2500. At 2500 we called it to 1500 and we now call the Nasdaq to 700.

At 12,000 on the DOW we called it to 8000. At 8000 we called it

to 7000 and now we call it to 5000.

So, you ask, WHY? Why will the DOW close one day at 5000 or

below and the Nasdaq close at 700 or below?

The answer is rather easy. Since most of what we do is based on

Market TRENDS and trends are based on human emotion, we simply need to look

back throughout history to know that during Bear markets P/E ratios shrink

to something around 5 - 10 X s earnings. As humans we never get things

exactly right, so we tend to overshoot things both ways. It s why trading

the stock market and not investing in it has been so profitable for us at

One only needs to look around themselves to see that there are

still so many companies, particularly techs, that are BUBBLE STOCKS:

ebay (EBAY)

Electronic Arts (ERTS)

Newport Corp (NEWP)

Qualcomm (QCOM)

Tons of companies are simply overvalued by any historical or

otherwise measure. EBAY traders at roughly 17 X s REVENUE. This is absurd

and not likely to last.

DOW 5000 and Nasdaq 700. Mark it down, it ll happen.


There is a growing sense of panic and the markets are

experiencing high volume, climactic selling across the board. Virtually

every single equity sector and industry are included in this waterfall

decline and there are no safe havens, not even gold. This is the very

definition of capitulation. It is happening. It s not pretty. It is

historic. It will most likely reach a short-term climax at the support

levels we have previously defined: Dow 7400-7565 and S&P 776-778. That

should happen when most investors least expect it, probably today. As we

await the denouement of the parabolic decline, intraday cross currents are

becoming stronger and less predictable. We have been seeing premature short

covering rallies followed by equally quick sell offs. Today (Wednesday)

European bourses are down 3-5% and this should fuel more negativity in US

markets, creating what will hopefully be the final wash and rinse day.

Buying weakness is not working, so there isn t much for the bulls to do

until the bears have eaten their fill.

Prepare, but don t anticipate. Remember, the first mouse gets

whacked and the second mouse gets the cheese. In whatever time frame you

trade, buy the first pullback after you are sure the bounce has started.

Don t try to pick the exact bottom.


As we mentioned previously, the 38.2% retracement of the entire

Bull Market from 1982 occurs at Dow 7565. That would roughly correspond with

our S&P target of 776, which is the 61.8% retracement of the 90 s bull

market and a simple 50% decline from the top in March 2000, along with

another important fib extension. These levels make ideal near-term targets.

We see the present action as the first leg of a 3-part capitulatory process

that will last into 2003-4. What kind of long-term targets can we expect?

FYI, the 50% retracement of the entire Bull Market takes us to Dow 6267 and

the 61.8% retrace would land us at 4971. Those are reasonable targets for

the 2nd and 3rd phases of the capitulatory leg and you can bet that pure

value investors will have them on their radar. We can expect a number of

very tradable mini-bull rallies during that corrective market process, but

to really make money during this period investors must learn to short sell

or hedge their portfolios with puts, bear funds or in some other similar


The SmallCap 600 closed just two points away from its September

lows, which is another reason to expect a bounce very soon.

Let’s See If We Get A Rally Off Of Oversold And Over-Pessimistic


By Mark Boucher, Click Here for a free trial

Wednesday’s huge turnaround rally did occur on big volume And

sentiment, the VIX, the TRIN, and a host of oscillators show the market was

deeply oversold. However, the usefulness of many of these tools in a major

bear market is more doubtful than is normally the case. So the real test

will be whether the recent lows will hold and whether we can get some

follow-through, breadth, and leadership off of any low that will support at

least another bear-market rally that is catchable in distance and duration.

So far the jury s far from out, and it looks like a bear rally is all that

should be hoped for.

What is frightening is how the last minor leg of the bear market

took nearly everything down with it. Even most of Asia and Eastern Europe

followed the U.S. and European markets lower. Base metals reversed their

breakouts of long-term patterns and turned down sharply. Cotton is following

the grains in a weather bull market, but Lumber has weakened and bonds have

strengthened. None are yet at recession-discounting levels, but the trend is

not positive.

And the real worry is that if the market now turns lower once

more, these economic leading gauges could start to discount recession.

Recession from here would present a very bleak outlook. Property and other

holdouts would likely face the same delayed-effect fate of stock prices, and

stocks would likely continue another big leg lower. Yes we could make money

out of such a decline, but bear markets are a lot tougher than bull markets,

and there are so many other negative side effects to one s wealth that this

is not something to look forward to. But now it is definitely something to

watch out for.

Breadth indications over the latest week showed total downside

dominance. Continue to wait for a 9:1 up/down volume day, the 5 day moving

average of advancing volume to be 77% or more of total volume, an 11-day A/D

ratio of 1.9 or more, or a 10-day A/D ratio of 2 or more, and a couple good

O’Neil Follow Through Days to make for a totally confirmed bull move. But

again, don t be surprised to see a couple follow-through days and no further

breadth confirmation, leading to a small but barely catchable upmove similar

to what we had off of the Sept. lows on any potential rally.

David Fried is the editor and publisher of The Buyback Letter,

the only investment newsletter devoted to finding opportunities among

companies that repurchase their own stock! Mr. Fried has been a featured

guest on CNBC’s “Money Club”, “WEVD”’s “Market Wrap” with Bill Bresnan in

New York City and many other regional radio broadcasts. He has also been

profiled in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Barron’s, Bottom Line

Personnel, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, Forbes, Business Week and numerous

other publications.

When times are uncertain it helps to periodically review the

overall economic picture. The “Big Trends” presented below will help you

keep a clear head in what always feels like a crazy market. Underneath the

market noise are, as always, solid realities that ultimately rule the day no

matter what investors’ near-term hopes or fears may be.

Big Trend
1: The inflation trend

Since 1920, the S&P index has gone up an average of 15.5% when

inflation was in the 2%-5% range. When inflation topped 5% the S&P average

rose just 1.3% per year. Currently inflation is running well below the 5%

mark. The inflation trend remains very positive.

Big Trend
2: The long-term bond yield vs. S&P yield

Peter Lynch, the famed fund manager of The Magellan Fund during

its glory days, uses the following rule of thumb: When yields on long-term

government bonds exceed the yield on the S&P 500 by 6% or more, sell stocks

and buy bonds. As of June 30, the yield on the S&P 500 was 1.50% while the

yield on 30-year government bonds was approximately 5.47%. The difference

between the two yields is 4.07%.

Yield Indicator: Positive

Big Trend
3: Action of the Federal Reserve Bank

The Fed lowered interest rates 11 times last year. The Fed has

changed its bias to neutral. For a while we have felt that the next move by

the Fed would be to raise rather than lower interest rates. However that is

no longer a certainty. Fed Indicator: Neutral

Big Trend
4: The yield curve

Currently the yield curve is positive. As of June 30, the spread

between a 1-year Treasury bill and the 10-year bond was 2.70% and the

30-year bond currently yields 5.47%, 3.34% more than the 2.13% yield on the

1-Year Treasury bill. Economists generally feel that an inverted yield curve

indicates that an economic slowdown is imminent. The yield curve is in


Yield Curve Indicator: Positive

Big Trend
5: Valuation

Recent market declines continue to take the froth out of the

high-flying big-cap stocks. The S&P 500 is down about 48% from its peak.

Recent price declines in the stock market combined with low interest rates

have moved our Valuation indicator from negative to neutral. Buying value in

this market remains extremely important. Valuation

Indictor: Neutral

Big Trend
6: Investor sentiment

We add the total bullish percentage readings of Investors

Intelligence, Consensus Index, AAII Index and Market Vane, as reported in

Barron’s every Sunday, and average this figure for the month. We consider

an average reading of over 200 to be negative while readings of under 150

are positive. The average total reading for the five weeks ending June 30

was 127. This reading is the same level as it was for last September, the

month of the World Trade Center attacks. We have not had a monthly reading

of over 200 since December 2001. Readings over 240 have marked market highs

over the past few years while readings of about 130 have marked market

bottoms. Sentiment Indicator: Positive

Big Trend
7: Earnings Sentiment

We track the quarterly positive and negative earnings surprises

as reported in Barron’s every week. We feel that positive surprises and

revisions are bullish for the market as they indicate that professional

analysts have been too negative, while negative revisions indicate that

analysts have been too optimistic. During the just-concluded quarter,

positive quarterly earnings surprises beat negative surprises 88-37, a ratio

of just over 2-to-1. Fiscal year earnings revisions surprises were

essentially equal. This indicates that analysts’ current estimates for 2002

earnings are probably about right, meaning there will be an absence of

upside surprises to drive the overall market.

Earnings Sentiment Indicator: Neutral

Summation Commentary

Four of our seven indicators are positive (inflation, yield,

yield curve and sentiment), while three indicators are neutral (the Fed,

valuation and earnings sentiment). Our indicators are telling us that the

investment climate is positive at this time.

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